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" she still not answering" kiara questioned as I called my mother phone for the 5th time

I shook my head no

" and you left your key when you left" she asked

I nodded my head

She shook her and and took her phone out

" we'll if I did take it with me I don't have it now" I responded

She held her finger up and pointed it at me

" hello" kiara said holding her phone up to her face " yes me and your daughter are outside right now ... well she kinda needs to come back home.... no no she just misses you and feels bad about what she did"

I sucked my teeth

" never said that" I mumbled

Kiara quickly looked at me and put her fist up

" shut up" she mouthed

" mmmhm ... yes mmmhm oh yes yes yes okay okay I will okay bye" Kiara said before hanging up

She turned around and looked at me

" she's expecting a apology she wants to see change within your behavior and your going to need to find a job she wants 40 dollars instead of 20 every month now for the bills" she said

I nodded my head

" that's fair" I mumbled grabbing my bags

" oh I'm not done" she said stopping me before I got out the car

I turned around confused

" she said there's going to be some changes in the house so it's either you adapt to it or get out" she added

I laughed

" I can handle changes" I shrugged " that's not a problem for me" I said opening the door

I don't know how I attempted to do this but

I tripped while getting out the car dropping my phone and hitting the ground face first

" BI- AHHHAHAHAHA" kiara shouted while dying of laughter

I squeezed my eyes shut as I tasted blood in my mouth

"Bi- Ouu bitch are you okay" kiara said with her voice and tone changing

I got up slowly with my eyes still closed

" miaaaa" she said slowly

I could feel what felt like snot running down my nose but I knew it wasn't snot

" go... go in the house" she said pushing me slightly twords the house

I opened my eyes and saw my phone on the ground cracked

" aww shit" I groaned picking it up

I watched as a drop of blood laid near my phone

"Bitch go in the house your bleeding everywhere dumb ass" kiara said aggressively While grabbing my bags

I opened my camera as I walked to the house

" oh my gosh" I said slightly shocked

My nose was bleeding and the split where my lip busted the first time was reopened

I quickly shoved my phone in my pocket and knocked on the door

" maaaa" I said while knocking " mommaaa open the door" I said continuing to knock

" ma-

The door opened and my mother looked at me with a scared expression

" Mia what happened to your face" she said quickly pulling me inside

" I just fell on the floor out there face first" I said trying prevent any blood from falling all over the place

She ripped off a piece of paper towel and wet it in the sink

" so do you have anything to say to me" she said handing me the wet napkin

I put the towel over my nose and leaned my head back

" I'm sorry for being disrespectful and putting my hands on you when it was completely unnecessary and I'm sorry for anything that I have done that didn't sit right with you" I said while trying to pull myself together

" mmmhm" she hummed " well I do apologize for getting in your face and giving you a reason to retaliate on me" she spoke

I smiled a little and continued to hold my head back

" now come on girl let's get you cleaned up this is a mess" she said holding me by my shoulder and guiding me through the living room


Ignore any mistakes 🙂

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Yes yes I updated 🙂 and yes I know this is short I'm updating again tonight ✨

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