second home

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the rest of the car ride was silent

we pulled up to the house a few minutes ago and I was actually excited to go inside

but I'm not ready to meet the replacement if she's even here

" just go put your stuff in my room" jahseh mumbled as he unlocked the door

i nodded and waited for him to unlock the door

" is the replacement here" i questioned lowly

he ignored me and opened the door

i swung my bag over my shoulder and walked in

i looked around seeing everything looked the same from the last time i was here

" okay okay" i said to myself as i looked around

jahseh closed the door then looked at me

" what you looking around for like you never been here before" he said trying to get smart

i scrunched up my face and stared at him

i scrunched up my face and stared at him

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" who you talking to?" i questioned

" you" he responded making a duhh expression

i pressed my lips together and laughed

" why are you pissy" i questioned

" i said go put your stuff in my room but you still standing here looking stupid" he responded

i rolled my eyes and went upstairs

" the fuck is his problem" i mumbled as i made my way to his room

" jahseh" cleo yelled from her room

" hiiiiiiiii cleooo" i said changing my direction and walking twords her room instead

" miracle your here already i thought you were coming tomorrow" cleo said

i stopped walking

" the fuck is miracle" i mumbled

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" the fuck is miracle" i mumbled

i let out a breath and stared at the wall for a minute trying to process this

" miracle" she questioned

i came back to reality and cleared my throat

" no its mia" i said walking in her room

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