a new life

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5 months later 

" mmm" i hummed as a sharp pain woke me from my sleep 

i rubbed on my stomach hoping to ease the pain a little 

" what's wrong" jahseh mumbled sitting up a little bit 

" n-nothing" i responded dropping my head down

" are you sure" he questioned 

" y-ye oh my goshhh" i dragged out

" mia if you need to go to the hospital say that" he said getting up 

he flicked the light on and pulled the covers off of us

" jah lay back down im not due until another weeks its just you know" i said shaking my head 

he looked at me for a minute before turning the light back off 

after he got back in bed i laid back down and held my stomach 


6:00 am 

" oh my gosh" i gasped sitting up 

i felt the bed around be start slowly becoming soaked 

my water just broke 

" jah" i said staring down at the wet spot surrounding me 

" JAH" i yelled 

he jumped up and looked at me 

" oh my gosh" he lowly said before he hopped off the bed and tripped falling to the ground 

i laughed a little before a sharp pain entered my side 

" AHH" i yelled out a little 

" what's going on man" stokeley questioned as he peaked his head into our room " yall makin a lot of noise fallin and shit" he added 

" tell everybody to get up" i said taking small breaths

" why?" he questioned 

" my water just broke" i responded looking at him 

his eyes became wide and he rushed out of the room 


" mia mia breathe" Kiara said as she held my hand 

we were currently in the car and this baby is coming now 

and i mean now

she's waiting no time to come into this world

" i am breathing Kiara" i said with a slight attitude

" are we almost there" Isaiah questioned 

" ye- wait im going the wrong way" jahseh said causing everyone to let out a groan all at the same time 

" are you not following the gps?" stokeley questioned laughing at him 

" im nervous shut up" he responded speeding up a little before making a u turn

" she's coming" i mumbled trying to suck her back in

" SHE COMING?!" Isaiah yelled looking at me 

" DAMN STOP YELLIN IN MY FUCKING EAR" Kiara yelled back at Isaiah

" im panicking let me out the car LET ME OUTT" Isaiah panicked pulling on the car doors 

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