Oh baby?

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I sat in the bathroom shaking

My legs were shaking uncontrollably And my hands couldn't stay steady

" I'm going to cuss his ass clean the fuck out" kiara said shaking her head

" ohhh bitch you think I'm not about to raise hell" I said with a shaky voice

I opened the box and read the instructions

" how the fuck do I even do this" I cried

" mia you a pimp stop allat crying" kiara said holding her finger up

I sniffed and looked all around the box

" pee on the stick that white part" she said

I pulled the cap off and looked at the white part

" I don't wanna" I mumbled shaking my head

" Mia pee on that damn stick" my mother said from the other side of the door

" maaa oh my gosh get from the door" I said annoyed

" mia it is not the time to be catching a attitude with me" she said

I sucked my teeth loudly

I walked over to the toilet and squatted putting the stick under me

" I'm so fuckin mad and happy at the same time because I was waiting for one of us to take one for the team and it sure as hell wasn't gon be me but I'm mad cause WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE DO THAT KNOWING YOU AINT WANT NO KIDS RIGHT NOW" she said before yelling

" yo kiara shush"

" ohhh don't tell me to shush yo stupid ass friend got my stupid ass friend pregnant" she responded

" PREGNANT" stokeley yelled

" stupid" I questioned mugging the phone

" yo ass missed everything cause you been sleep all fuckin day" kiara mumbled rolling her eyes

I began to pee on the stick while nervously shaking

" kiara Jasmine had his baby too" I said completely forgetting to tell her

" WHAT" she screamed

"JASMINE" stokeley yelled

" mmmhm" I mumbled while nodding

" THAT THAT THAT BITCH" kiara yelled stuttering

I felt the last bit of pee come out before I shook the stick and stood up

" I got so much to sayyy I got soo much TO SAYYY" kiara said starting to get riled up

" let me call this nigga" stokeley said

" he been calling you for the past five hours" kiara responded

" why didnt you wake me up" he said with a attitude

" cause that's not my fuckin job nigga" kiara responded

The phone suddenly dropped and all I heard was laughing after a while

I ignored them and put the stick on the counter and stared at it

I looked up staring at myself in the mirror

" I'm gonna get fatt" I cried looking at my shape and imagining how it would look if I was pregnant

I looked at my phone seeing jahseh was calling me

I didn't bother answering because I'm already going through a lot right now

" Mia imma call you back" kiara said before hanging up

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