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" did you eat" jahseh questioned

We been in the car for about 15 to 20 minutes

There's no sign of kiara anywhere Isaiah or stokeley so I'm convinced he just been driving around for no reason

" yea but I'm fine" I responded " umm where are we going" I questioned

" what you want to eat" he asked looking at me for a split second

" don't sit there and ignore my question like that" I said mugging him

He just laughed

" don't start gettin smart wit me" he chuckled staring at me

" I asked you where we going and you straight ignored me" I responded

" we just ridin around" he shrugged

" why....I kinda wanna be with kiara and the rest of them right now" I said looking out the window

" You don't wanna be with me" he chuckled

" no I don't I don't even like you" I responded rolling my eyes

he laughed

" you not even gonna thank me for comin down here to help you out" he said looking at me

I shook my head

" nobody asked you to come" I shrugged

" damn" he chuckled " imma take you back then"

" NO" I shouted looking at him

" mmm that's what I thought" he nodded

I shook my head and stared out the window

" what you want to eat" he asked but not in the same tone as before

He seemed like something dropped his mood

Okay maybe I shouldn't have said what I said

" chicken trout" I said lowly

He nodded his head

The ride was silent for a minute until He broke it

" you still love me the same" he questioned

I stopped and looked at him

I nodded my head

" can you say it" he questioned

" say what" I said looking at him

" that you love me" he said

I laughed and looked over at him

" I'm not saying that right now I still didn't forget what you did" I shrugged

" I apologized about that" he said looking at me

" ehhhh trueee but that memory is still fresh and alive in my head" I nodded

" sorry again" he said trying to squeeze my face

I moved out the way and looked at him

" no don't start" I said shaking my head " I umm heard you and Jasmine got back together" I said playing with my fingers

He started laughing so hard

" what kiara told you that" he laughed

I shrugged

" the grape vine did" I responded

" we not back together I just fucked her..... every now and then..... maybe every week...... twice a day" he said pausing in between each couple of words

I rolled my eyes

" bruh you fuckin left me I was in a low state and she was there" he said catching a attitude

I mugged him and stared

" I didn't even say anything why are you catching a attitude" I said looking him up and down

" cause I miss you" he said laughing

" not a excuse bye" I said putting my hand up

" anyways so y'all not a thing y'all just fuck buddies" I questioned

He shook his head

" I'm technically still with you we was just on a break or what ever the fuck you wanna call it" he shrugged

I laughed so loud

" elll oh fuckin el jah" I said laughing

He scrunched his face up and looked at me

" what's so funny" he said

" you baby you hilarious" I chuckled

He shook his head

" I'm bouta just stop talking to you til we get to the house" he mumbled

I chuckled at his response and looked out the window


Ignore any mistakes


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