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1 day later

" mmm mm mm Mia you really grown into a nice young lady" aiden said looking at me

I just laughed

Aiden was sent to jahseh house for the week because cleo is out somewhere

I can admit I haven't seen my buddy in what feels like 3 years

" your still a little creep aint you" I said shaking my head

He put his hand over his chest

" me a creep I was never a creep" he said being fake offended

I pressed my lips together and looked away

" oh my goshhh he won't stop crying" jasmine groaned bringing chez in the room

" jasmine get that loud ass baby out of here" aiden said eyeing her

" aiden shut up" I mumbled nudging him " give him to me" I said to jasmine

I could see in her face how much stress she was in

She handed him to me and put both of her hands over her face

" I tried to put him to sleep he's not hungry he didn't shit or pee on hisself I don't know what the fuck his problem is" she groaned

I rocked Chez in my arms so he could quiet down

" I have one question" aiden said sticking his finger up " what in gods name made you name him Jaychez" he added

I held in my crackle

" because I liked the name" she responded holding her head

Aiden nodded his head and looked around

" interesting" he mumbled

" I-I'm gonna go get some fresh air" jasmine said before she walked out the house

" you know to be completely honest I wouldn't have thought she would look that good" aiden said as she closed the door

I rolled my eyes

What can I expect this is the typical aiden

" Aiden how have you been" I questioned not even wanting to know what he was going to say next

He sat up and smiled

" I've been doing pretty snazzy" he nodded

" well that's good" I said nodding my head

" oh oh and remember Camilla" he smiled

I thought about it before remembering who she was

" that little girl with the creepy father" I said

He nodded his head

" well he kinda died but that's besides the point she my girlfriend now and we kissed a couple times" he smiled

I froze still processing what he just said

" he died" I questioned a little taken back

He nodded his head

" he was caught in some little girls room
And the girl father shot him in defense" she shrugged

I covered my mouth

" but that's his fault shouldn't have been being nasty" Aiden added

I shook my head

Tragic world

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