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3 months later

" no ma why would we have that for my baby shower it's not a thot party" I said as my mother gave me the most raunchy ideas

As time went on things have fallen back in place

Me and my mother started talking again Im in a way better place ...well jahseh is still being jahseh a ass wipe but that's the least of every thing

Currently me and my mother are sitting here trying to come up with ideas for my baby shower

We were supposed to be having it this month so we are trying to figure every thing out now

" how would that make it a thot party if you wore that" she said putting her hand on her head

" ma that's damn near a bra and panties with a see through robe with fur on it" I said straight facing her

She nodded her head and smiled

" exactly that would be soo cute" she responded

" no" I said shaking my head " I'm not wearing that" I added

She groaned and sat back

" you don't like any of the ideas I had so what do you wanna do" she said looking at me

" well ms maammmm" I smiled " I was thinking of a off the shoulder dress with a line of fur at the bottom" I said looking at her

" well ms maammmm" I smiled " I was thinking of a off the shoulder dress with a line of fur at the bottom" I said looking at her

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She scrunched her face up and looked at me

" that don't sound cute" she said shaking her head

" I don't even care I want it in white and I can have on some cute little heels to Match" I said looking at her

" fine if you want to look a mess then go head" she shrugged

I rolled my eyes

" I'm not going to look a mess" I responded " anyways can I have a candy table like I want a big one with like bloww pops and allat stuff on there" I smiled

My mother laughed and wrote the stuff down

" ouuu and when we do the gender reveal let's do the little ummm when you pop it and dust fall out" I said trying to demonstrate

" okkkk got it" she said writing that down too

I laid back and laid my hands on my stomach

" what are you hoping it to be" my mother asked

I shrugged

" I kinda want a girl since chez but I kinda want a boy" I said " I don't know" I shrugged

" you wanna raise a boy" she said scrunching her face up

I nodded my head

" I mean it don't matter to me" I shrugged

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