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" so would you two like to know the gender" the doctor questioned

" yes" jahseh said

" no" I said

We both looked at each

" yes" he said eyeing me

" no" I said eyeing him

The doctor laughed

" imma give the results to my mother and she's gonna plan the surprise during the baby shower it would ruin it if we knew the gender already" I said looking at him

He sucked his teeth

" so how are we gonna pick out any names" he questioned

I scrunched my face up at him

" jah are you forreal I'm only five months we have plenty of time to pick out baby names" I responded shaking my head

" well since I already now it's a boy I already had the names ready" he shrugged

I looked him up and down

" you don't know nothing" I responded rolling my eyes

" how are you gonna tell me" he said pointing to the baby ultrasound

" you can clearly tell that's a boy in there" he said

" your eyes are lying to you ... you don't even know what your looking at" I responded shaking my head

"Fine but when I'm right I want head" he shrugged

" why would you just say that in front of her" I said scrunching my face up

" bruh I got you pregnant she knows we be doing shit it's obvious" he said scrunching his face up

I rolled my eyes and turned towards her

" I'm sorry but no can you put it in a envelope so I can give it to my mother" I said looking at her

" sure thing" she responded getting up

She walked out the room and I mugged jahseh

" you don't know what to say out that mouth of yours" I said shaking my head

" don't talk about what goes in and comes out of my mouth cause my dick be all in y-

" you see what the fuck I'm talkin about like shut up" I groaned rolling my eyes

He started laughing

" I don't know what you ashamed of you don't be ashamed of shit when we be fuc-

" jahhh oh my fuckin gosh" I groaned

He started laughing even harder

" that's what you be saying when I be f-

" bruh get out like real shit" I said straight facing him

" shut up" he laughed

I rolled my eyes and let out a deep breath

The doctor walked back in with a envelope

" well here is the results and the gender of your baby" she smiled handing it to me

I smiled and gladly grabbed it

" so about this gel" I said pointing to my stomach

" oh shi- ouu sorry how unprofessional of me" she chuckled before grabbing a napkin like cloth

I laughed and she began to clean my stomach off

After a couple seconds I got up and out of the chair

" soo did y'all think about any baby names" she said as I adjusted my clothes

I looked at jahseh and he looked at me

" no not yet" I said smiling

" well me on the other hand if it's a girl I want London amor onfroy" jahseh said cheesing

I quickly looked at him

" that name is so common no" I said shaking my head " our baby name is going to be different and unique"

The doctor laughed

" yea London is very common" she agreed

" see" I responded looking at jahseh

He sucked his teeth and shook his head

" well we will be on our way we have a few places to go after this" I said as I grabbed my bag from the chair

" ok have a nice one and be safe" she smiled as we began to walk out the door



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