Home again

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i was dropped off home about a hour ago and now im laying in my bed feeling sick as hell

" the alcohol must have caught up with me" i mumbled as i rolled on my side

i could smell a boat load of food downstairs but unlike making me hungry it was giving me the worse head ache possible

the nauseating feeling in my stomach was beginning to take over my body

i sat up quickly and felt my mouth water but nothing came out

" let me go try and force myself to throw up" i groaned getting out of my bed

i slowly but surely made my way to the bathroom before dropping to the floor in front of the toilet

i sat there and opened my mouth about to stick my fingers down my throat before the throw up suddenly came up by itself

the force that i was using so the throw up could come out was hurting my body so bad

I felt like I was going to throw my organs up

I groaned and laid my head on my arm as the throw up stopped for a minute

" never again" I mumbled slowly shaking my head

I began to hear my phone ring but I was too weak to stand up and get it

" MOMMMAAA" I yelled from the floor

It was silent before I huffed and yelled again

" MOM-

my scream was cut off by a violent urge to throw up

I quickly turned so the toilet could catch what was coming out of me

" girl what wh-

My mother sat in the bathroom door way and stared at me

" girl what is wrong with you" she said scrunching her face and covering her nose

" drinking" I mumbled slowly looking at her

" drinking who the fuck said you could be drinking" she said mugging me

" ma you was drinking at 11 you can't really say anything to me" I responded

" what you want" she responded rolling her eyes

" cant you pass me my phone" I said

She walked over to my bed and grabbed it Staring at it

" what this" she questioned staring at my phone

" hand it to me" I said waving my hand out

She stared at my phone before looking up at me

" ma ma we need to talk about something" my mother read aloud

She began to mumble before letting out a loud gasp

" ma give me my phone what are you doing" I said growing frustrated

" Jasmine called me and said that's she had a baby" my mother read

I stared at her and she stared back

" and she's saying that it's mines because she didn't fuck with anybody in that time period but me" my mother read

" then she said the baby is-

" MA HAND ME MY PHONE" I yelled out of complete rage

She quickly handed it to me

I grabbed it quickly pressing that face time button

jahseh quickly picked up and I could tell he was frustrated

" HELLO" I yelled

" bro quit yelling" he said irritated

" well the fuck is going on" I questioned

" yo she sat up here and called me saying she never told me she was pregnant because of what happened between us so her bitch ass sat up there and hid my baby from me for a year" he said aggressively

I rolled my eyes

" is it even yours" I groaned

He looked at the phone with a serious mug

" the fuck you looking at me like that for is it" I responded

" obviously mia" he said in a duhh tone

" go get a dna test" I said

" yo she sent me a fuckin picture and he look juss like me yo" he said putting his hand on his head

I left out a heavy huff

If this means Jasmine has to come back into the picture I'm going to scream

I don't like that bitch

" why would she not tell you thats retarded" I said shaking my head

" I just fuckin told you why" he said mugging the phone " she ain't tell me because the way things ended between me and her and me fuckin with you while wit her" he said

I coughed and shook my head

" what are you doing" he questioned

" sitting at the toilet throwing up from the shit we had" I responded

He sucked his teeth

" yo go take one" he said

I scrunched my face up

" go take what" I questioned

" a pregnancy test" he said

My eyes widened and I shot a look at my mother and she was sitting there with her jaw hanging open

" why she gotta take one" my mother said coming in the camera

" can she just take one please" he said sounding defeated " please just to make sure because I'm not even gon lie I d-

I hung up the phone and dropped it

" there's no way he was about to say what I think he was going to say" I said staring at my mother

She let out a deep breath and shook her head

" go get cleaned up I'll take you to the store" she said shaking her head and walking out the bathroom

I sat there staring at the cabinets trying to think of when it could have possibly happened

And if there is any chance I'm pregnant

I sat there thinking and thinking and thinking before it clicked

" no way" I cried out

The time we were here in this very room and he wouldn't let me get up


Why would he do that

I'm going to kill him


Ignore any mistakes


Do you think she's pregnant or is it's really just the alcohol?

Did Jasmine really have his baby or do you think she's saying that to come back into the picture?

To find out make sure your here for the next update 😌

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