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I'm currently in the kitchen eating some of the chicken and fries they brought back home

I was hungry as the fuck to

" damn Mia stop bein a fat ass" stokeley laughed

I looked at him with the chicken bone hanging halfway out my mouth

" you ain't have to say that" I said straight facing him and putting the chicken bone on the plate

He started laughing

" you know I was bull shittin calm down" he said looking at me

I rolled my eyes and got up Bumping past him

" damn nigga" he said eyeing me " calm down I was playing" he laughed

" no cause you sitting up here calling me fat bitch like you not getting up there yourself" I said before throwing my plate away

He just laughed

" Mia since when did you get offended this easily" he questioned

" nobody offended bitch" I said walking out the kitchen

" ouuu yea that's cute" kiara said as her and jasmine looked at her phone

" ouu what y'all looking at" I smiled

" aht mind your business" kiara joked

I stopped smiling and rolled my eyes

" y'all annoying today" I mumbled

I don't know why but my feelings were getting a little hurt

And my feelings DONT EVER GET HURT

It's this damn pregnancy that's effecting me

" girl bye stop being a cry baby nobody said nothing to you" kiara chuckled

" ain't nobody being a cry baby ya- you know what" I said shaking my head and going in jahseh room

Maybe I can get to question him about this aiden situation that boy knows too much

As soon as I opened the door chez started crying so loud

" bruhhhhhh" jahseh said with the biggest attitude

" get the fuck out I just put him to sleep" he aggressively said getting up and picking chez up

It felt like my heart broke

Oh the bitch I feel like right now

" why is everybody being so mean to me today" I said on the verge of crying

" bruh get the fuck in the room" he said looking at me

I closed the door and walked in with a couple tears falling down my face

He sucked his teeth and got up taking chez out the room

I sat on the bed trying not to start balling out crying

Jahseh came back in the room with out chez and closed the door

He sat down on the bed and grabbed his phone

I don't know what happened but all my emotions just came out at once

I heard him suck his teeth and he sat up

" bruhhhh what are you crying for" he groaned pulling me onto him

" what I need to treat you like chez?" He questioned

I sucked my teeth

" what's wrong with everyone today it's like y'all targeting me or something" I mumbled

He sucked his teeth

" nobody targeting you everybody is being normal you just taking it to heart" he replied

" so I'm being too sensitive" I questioned sitting up and looking at him

" soo nowww ima being too sensitive see t-

He quickly grabbed me and laid me down

" go to sleep I don't got time for it" he said laying down next to me and wrapping me in his arms

" no because imma s-

He used his hand and covered my mouth so I couldn't talk

I tried to grab his arm but he moved my arm and held it down

" mia oh my gosh stop bein fuckin annoyin" he groaned

I stopped moving all together and stayed still

" y'all just hate me" I mumbled turning on my side and closing my eyes

" dramatic" he groaned

" shut up" I mumbled slowly falling asleep



This book is ending soon 🙂🥲

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