Late night drive part 2

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* play the song juss for effect it's on a loop*

40 minutes later

The car was full of smoke and we were just sitting in a empty parking lot

Listing to music ^( the song up there)

As of right now I feel like I'm floating and in a different universe

He did tell me before we smoked it was going to get us high as hell

" where you wanna go now" he questioned looking at me

I looked at him and I started smiling

" what's funny" he laughed

" you look good right now" I laughed laying my head on the window

He just laughed and sat up looking at me

" you wan know what I see when I look at you" he said while smiling

" what" I questioned

" ya fat ass lips" he said before busting out laughing

I started dying laughing

" my lip not even that fat" I said flicking my lip

" you got the dick suckin lips" he laughed

I stuck the middle finger up and laughed

I closed my eyes and laid my head back

I felt a hand under my chin so I opened my eyes

I looked over at Xavier and he was just staring at me licking his lips

I smiled and grabbed his face pulling it to mines

" you high as fuck" he laughed moving his hand to my neck

" you are too" I laughed holding his face with both of my hands

We just stared at each other before I pulled him closer

I closed my eyes and kissed him

After about 5 minutes we both sat back in our seat and started laughing

" fat lip ass" he laughed

" you wanna know what else is fat" I smiled looking at him

He just looked at me and laughed

" don't go there with me" he chuckled

I leaned over to him and smiled

" why not" I laughed

He stared down at me and just smiled 

" back seat" I said crawling into the back

I sat down and we both started dying laughing

" you wanna do this right now" he laughed looking at me

I nodded and laughed

" nahh you high as fuck" he said shaking his head

I sucked my teeth

" okay andd" I dragged out " you are too" I added

He didn't say anything he just stared at me

" I'm giving you the consent" I laughed " come on" I smiled

He didn't climb in the back like I did he opened the door and scooted in next to me

He closed the door and we just stared at each other before we started dying laughing

" okay come on" I said crawling on top of him

He just looked up at me with red eyes while holding onto my waist

I grinded my hips on him slowly while we stared at each other

He used one hand and wrapped it around my neck

I grinned and continued doing what I was doing

I could feel him getting hard under me because he had on sweat pants too

He pulled my face down to his brought his lips to mine

I smiled as we were kissing

I could feel him put his hands under my shirt and start feeling on my body

I broke the kiss and looked at him

" what" he laughed

I shrugged And smiled

He looked me up and down

" damn you got that lip shit all on my mouth" he chuckled wiping his mouth

" lip gloss" I laughed looking at him

He started laughing

" come here" he mumbled grabbing my neck

He pulled me towards him attaching his lips to my neck

I wrapped my arms around him hugging him while he sucked on my neck

I let out a slight moan as he hit a certain spot

I heard him laugh a little before the music took over again

* knock knock knock*

He both stopped and froze

" is anyone in here are you okay" somebody from the outside said knocking on the window

I quickly got off of him and sat in the seat beside him

" the windows tinted they can't see us" he laughed

I nodded my head

" yea I'm good I'm chillin" he said

" okay just checking" the person said before walking away

We looked at each other before smiling

" we gotta go " he laughed opening the doors

I climbed back to the front and sat back in my seat

Once he got in the front we just looked at each other and smiled

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Bad part to stop updatin on right

Last update for tonight 🙂

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