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"I don't want to have a girlfriend if she was my same village " i said.

"Why?" Leo asked.

"I just don't want, because i will never try to miss her. I want to miss her even just a little time, did you get it?" I ask.

He nod "Ah, kaya pala, ang layo ni Claire kasi gusto mo ang namimiss ha?" I nod while smirking.

Claire is my girlfriend. One year girlfriend and still counting, i love her.

"Bro! Why don't you try to joined rpw?" Ask by Richi.

My brows met "Rpw?" I ask.

Were here at Richi's condo. Doing some school activities.

"Yeah, it was famous activity in the philippines, most rp'er are came from in the philippines" he stop "Ano? Do you want to try? It was cool! I have rp now!" He was exited when he was saying it.

Leo was busy using his phone "Dude? Do you know what Richi talking about?"

"About what?" He asked and his eye's still focus on his phone.

"Rpw" i said.

He look at me "Rpw? Why is that?"

"Do you know about that?"

He nod and off his phone "Oo,bakit?"

"Do you have a rp?"

"Yeah, actually i was using it now" and he face to me his phone.

I nod "Okay, then what's more about that?" I ask again. Im so confused to that Rp and Rpw.

He move closer to me "In this world, you can flirt, you can flirt all rp'er" he whispered and evil laughed "But not a boy, lol" then he use again his cellphone.

I get my phone on my jeans and try to search more about Rpw.

The article say's.

(In the RPW, you can flirt, you will change youre name into what you want, if youre boy, you can be girl if you want, and if youre girl, you can be boy if you want)

I read more article about this Rpw.

(RPW- Role Play World)

(RP- Role Play)

(GRP- Girl Role Player)

(BRP- Boy Role Player)

(CRP- Cross Role Player) (you can be a boy or a girl if you want)

I off my phone when i get information.

"Teach me about this" i said to Leo and he start to teach me.

I make an account and i name it Vonny Love. It was name of my little brother. I put a birthday is February 14, because it is my real birthday though.

"Ayan! Pagkatapos mo ay humanap ka na ng malalandi mo okay?"

I nod and find friends.

My eye's stop when i see this name.

Rein Angel.

It so cool huh? So i add it.

After adding friends, i scroll and i see this.

Jones Montefalco


Truth or Dare?


 I Love You But It's RPW(Teen Series #1) |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now