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My RaVonny

: really? Is that legit?


: ihhh, yes

My RaVonny

: Fuck! Yes! Ahahah im so happy! Your My Girlfriend now! Agh! Ahahaha

: thank yoouuuuu! I love you so much my girlfriend! My ChuChee i love you!

Napangiti ako, ang sarap sa pakiramdam na tinawag nya akong 'My Girlfriend'


: thankyou too! Because you wait me, thank youuuu!

My RaVonny

: i love you and i will wait you even it's a day, week, months and years to pass, I love you and no one can take you away from me

I reacted a heart on what he say.


: yeah, and we will fight until the end, we don't give up and we love each other even its Rpw

: i love you too Vonny! And i will do anything to be your best girlfriend,

My RaVonny

: its okay! You dont need to change your self, thats the reason why i love you, be true to your self and i will love you more


: you sure?

My RaVonny

: very sure! 100% sure!


: okay then, i will do that

My RaVonny

: good! Now! I love you! My ChuChee! I love you so much! I miss you!


: hahaha yeah, i miss you too and i love you so much

: thankkkkyouu for waiting, for everything, for making me happy, smile and thankyou for loving me
Im so lucky, i think I am the happiest girl right now because i have now my first boyfriend that i love, i met in a world that full of play, but he promises me that he never hurt me

: thankyouuu! For coming into my life! I love you so much!

(❤Vonny reacted to: hahaha yeah, i miss you.....thankyou for waiting and thankyouuu! For coming......)

My RaVonny

: i was the one who need to thankyou because, you say the sweetiest 'Yes' for me, im so happy right now, i cant count my happines haha, thankyou because you let me to be your boyfriend, your first boyfriend, i will make sure that I will do anything to be your best first boyfriend ever, I'm not promising you that I won't hurt you or I won't make you cry but I will do anything to make you happy with me, and i will love you till my last breath

My heart fell! Aww, my Vonny is so sweet!


: aww! You make me cry!

My RaVonny

: ha? Why? Did i something wrong? I dont hurt you ah


 I Love You But It's RPW(Teen Series #1) |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now