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I stare at the two most important girl in my life. Adajera and Zheria Vein. Our little lovely daughter. She was one years old now. She was so cute. She start to walk now.

"Hey Zheria! Careful baby!" ChuChee was helping Zheria to walk.

I chuckled when Zheria clap her hands. I look at my wife. She was exhausted now. She always taking care of our daughter.

"ChuChee let me carry our child"

She nod a bit and sit on the sofa. We're having a hard time for this. But we didn't giving up. It was our first baby though. She was a blessing to us.

I carry Zheria and sit beside my Ada "Nakakapagod. Ang kulit-kulit niya. Pero nakakatuwa siya. Manang-mana talaga sa ama" at napailing siya.

Inayos ko ng position si Zheria at tinignan ng masama si Adajera "Really? But we did it. Nagmana ang kakulitan nito sa'yo" I was good in using tagalog now.

She scoffed "Ano? Bakit ako? Ikaw kaya yung makulit diyan. Kung tumigil ka ba naman sa kakaano sa akin edi sana hindi makulit yan di'ba?"

I chuckled and carre's Zheria's back "Okay. You win. Alam ko namang hindi ko matatalo 'yang galing mo sa pakikisumbat"

Natawa sya "Of course. I'm so tired" she leans her head on my shoulder. It's already 5 pm. Talagang mapapagod ito kakaturo sa makulit naming anak.

I make Zheria sleep so I put her on the crib. I glance Adajera on the sofa. She was so tired so she got fell in sleep too. I carry her and put on our bed. I stare's at her beautiful face. I smile. I'm so lucky this girl. She was so brave. She always smiling and she always there for me. I don't want anymore. I'm contented to them. To Ada and our Zheria. Humiga ako sa tabi niya at pinag-katitigan ang kaniyang mukha. When she moved, I kiss her. She open her eye's because of shock. I kiss her deeply. Napapikit na rin siya at tumugon sa halik ko. Pumaibabaw ako sa kanya at hinalikan ang leeg niya.

"S-shorunn. Si Z-zheri-"

"Shhh. I make her sleep. We can do it now" I kiss her again and she moaned because of it.

My hands start to move on her body. Damn! This girl making me crazy!

"G-god. You make me tired" she whisper. I smile because of it. Her hands was on my chest.

I brush her hair using my hand "I make you tired but you like it right?" I was stopping my self to laughed. She wasn't in a good mood.

She nod and close her eye's "Yes"

"Go on. Your sleepy. Good night ChuChee"

She still answer "Good night Shorunn ko" and she got in sleep.

I smile and close my eye's too. Tomorrow is another day for us again.

Gumising ako ng maaga para ipagluto sila. I go to kitchen and cook our breakfast. When I heard Zheria cry, I made her a milk. Her mother was still sleep now. I make her very tired last night. I smirk and continue cooking.

I smile when someone hugged me on the back "Good morning"

Of course that was Ada "Why are you still cooking? Sabi ko naman kasi sa'yo na kumuha ka na lang ng Yaya eh. Ayan naghihirap ka pang magluto"

I off the gas and faced her "I said I don't want to get a maid okay? I want to cook for you"

She smile truly "You're so flatter"

I rolled my eye's and hugged her "And besides, I don't want to hire a maid because I want to have a privacy of us. If we have having a make love just like last night"

 I Love You But It's RPW(Teen Series #1) |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now