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"Im sorry because i make a mess. That's not my intention though. It just a scene. But you run away" natawa sya "Pinatunayan mo na mahal mo sya kaya i will make a move on. Oh wrong! Im married now" at ipinakita nya sa akin ang kanyang kanang kamay na may singsing "That was a show. Tita Nev kasi eh. Inutusan nya ako para gawin yon. Then i can't say no to her. So i just do it. You run away. Natawa kami don. Shorunn don't know about it too. Nilihim namin. Didn't you know? When you run away Shorunn push me! That guy. He make my gown destroy! You tell to whole people in that party that you loved him. I appreciate it. I love him. Before but when Richi start to tell about that Rpw. Shorunn starting to cold. He never knew our monthsarry though. Im hurt that time. So i do anything to make you two destroy. I dont thinking anymore so i blackmailed him. I said if he didn't leave you i will make your life mesirable. Call me crazy but i want to make him back. But after he break up with you, he changed. He back from being cold. Jerk and mess. I make him in that position. Sis" he held my hand "Im sorry. I-i was the one who planned about your anniversarry day. We manipulated it"

My eye's starting to watered "W-why did you do that?"

"Because i want him to leave you"

"Why you didn't just talk to me? I can let him go naman eh. Because of what you did there's a lot of people nadamay. My friends, nadamay sila sa kagagawan mo. Sana na lang ay kinausap mo ako para hindi na sila nadamay pa. Yung isa kong kaibigan nakalimutan ako dahil sa ginawa mo" napaluha ako. I wipe it immediately.

"That's why im saying sorry"

"No. I will not accept your sorry. Im sorry i will go now"

And i stay away from her. Bakit nya pa kailangang gawin yon? I can let him go. Nadamay pa yung mga kaibigan ko dahil sa kanya.

There's a car stop on my front. Shorunn...

Sumakay ako kaagad at pinunasan ang mga luha ko "W-what happend?"

"Hey, speak up! What happend?! I was about to fetch you but the guard tell me that your with my ex. What happend? Did she hurt you?"

I shooked my head "W-wala. May pakana din pala sya sa aksidente. Nung araw na second anniversarry natin. Sinabutahe nya at naghiwalay tayo" i cry.

"Fuck" he hugged me quickly.

"S-shorunn" i sob.

"Shhh. Im here. Just cry"

He wipe my tears "You okay now?"

I nod "Slight. She was apologizing to me" i said.

"What did she tell?"

"S-she said that she blackmalied you that's why we broke up" naiiyak na naman ako.

"Yes we broke up but i don't chose her. My heart stay at you"

I looked away "Why didn't you just loved her?"

He shooked his head "I-i cant. I can't love her again. When i met you. My life changed. I explore more. I know about you. So stop saying i will choose her. Im not love her anymore because i love you now. Just think about the present okay? The important is im here with you now"

Napatango ako "Umuwi na tayo" sagot ko.


"Hey? Can we visit my Lola?"

"Oo sige ba" saad ko.

Napatanga ako ng huminto sya sa isang sementeryo "W-what?"

"Yes. My Lola was died a years ago"

Sinundan ko sya at huminto kami sa isang coffin. Umupo sya. Napaupo ako.

Name: Hernanda Hidalgo.
Birthday: May 3 1935.
Died: February 13 1999.

 I Love You But It's RPW(Teen Series #1) |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now