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Vonny Love: Oh why?

Bakit? Hmmm.

Rein Angel: I want to be teacher, it is my best dream in my whole life and I want to teach every young age like me soon so I always keep in my mind 'don't lose hope, do not despair yourself, always fight to the challanges of your life, and someday your hard work will be repaid and that is my source everyday when I woke up, I always remind myself to keep fighting and fighting. If you're getting tired, okay then just relax yourself for a whilen and then fight again. Never give up.

Rein Angel: KAYA MO YAN!!

I was smiling after I send it to him.

Vonny Love: wow!

Vonny Love: Wow! You are unbelievable! At your age you can already think of lot of things like that, I'm so impress!!

Vonny Love: Okay here, I'm giving you a 3 claps.

Vonny Love: 👏👏👏

Vonny Love There, be happy always and don't give up okay? Chase your dreams, I will support you know matter what.

My smile widen when I saw his chat, I don't know why I smile.
Maybe because it was my first time to express my thoughts in a stranger I guess? I don't know, I'm always happy when I express my dreams into someone.

Rein Angel: Thank you! :>

Rein Angel: I feel so overwhelmed.

Vonny Love: Always welcome Angel :)

Hindi pa kasi dumadating yung second teacher namin ngayon sa umaga kaya nag cellphone muna ako

It been 2 weeks simula nung ikinandidato ko si cheska madalang na lang ang pag sasama namin hindi nadin kami masyadong nag uusap lagi na silang mag kasama ni Cross eh
Hmmm i smell something fishy ha
Pero kung ano man yon sa akin na lang

And it been a 2 weeks I and Vonny are chating he always greet me in morning and night yeah then sometimes i ask him why he didn't getting bored when we were chating
He answered

' why would i get bored if your the one make me happy when we were chating'

I just answered him OK that time but i am happy too when i chating him

Ako at si Cheska ay naglalakad na at nag kwekwento pa sya papunta kaming paradahan kung nasan amg service namin

"Tapos kanina nakakainis!! yung Chelsea na yon sumama pa kasi tapos kapit pa ng kapit sa braso ni Cross" nakabusangot nyang sabi.

"Bakit ganyan ka maka react ha ano mo ba sya?" sabi ko at agad naman syang napahinto at napatulala

"Crush mo ba sya o Gusto mo sya? "
Tanong ko ulit

 I Love You But It's RPW(Teen Series #1) |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now