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After a year of hiatus and some change I decided another update won't hurt.

Enjoy if you ever see this

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Breaking up with august turned out to be a lot simpler than expected

If you excluded all the emotions to come after it.

Though still it was to be expected.

I watched as zach held onto him as he left the room but failed to close the door. I heard nothing but fluent French between the two and though I had failed to recognize the situation the tone was all I needed. Corbyn was shaking his head lightly and rubbing his shoulder, he and I knew what was going on and it wasn't very good. Though neither of us would admit it at the moment we both felt a shower of releif.

August, as kind, confident and sometimes sly as he was at times, he was no good. He was abusive, disgusting at times and depressive. He had deep rooted problems that he couldn't keep countained and he ruined the lives of those around him with his deep rooted illness. The closer you were to august the more you were asking to have your heart shread. I listened in on their words and for some reason the conversation I had no idea of set a record in my heart. "Tu apprendras à être quelqu'un sans moi, toujours"

I couldn't tell which of their voices had said those words.

a week and a few days had passed since a word was exchanged between myself and the French boy. I hadn't even seen his face once we dropped him back off at his host families home and he broke up with august

after that, things went back to normal, almost. Zach didn't speak to me as he stayed glued to augut's shoulder despite the breakup . Though this time I hadn't felt as jealous as before. It was almost as if I had finally learned to be content. Though I knew this feeling wouldn't last forever as of now it was okay.

But as the feeling settled in my stomach of the actions of the previous week, guilt was the only thing swarming my mind. The day we had made it back we had all went our separate ways exhausted. I haven't heard much from Corbyn either. Maybe Corbyn no longer was worried about what august might do considering they were separated.

I sighed deeply picking up my phone for the first time this morning. I had nothing to do this Saturday and missed Christina's smile like crazy. Christina had always seemed to brighten up my mood especially now that every day had a depressing undertone. I knew I was on a time limit but selfishly I could only think of the next time I would be able to kiss Zach again. I turned over slightly in bed looking at my ceiling. I wasn't sure exactly what I should have planned for the day but seeing Christina was a good option. As I lay there suddenly my phone rang with a notification. I turned over grabbing it as I began to smile foundly. All my guilt disappeared as I saw zachs text.

Zach finally after all this gave me his phone number. He barley texted, in fact most of his messages were short and only a few words. He didn't care to text In English in fact he texted in french and had me use an app to translate back and forth. This time there was no mistakes between our words and he was clear to talk to. Despite that he never took advantage of our new found opportunity to communicate, he only texted once or possibly twice a day.

Zach: Es-tu réveillé? (are you awake?)

I looked at his message and smiled greater before quickly typing 'oui' then setting my phone down. I knew he wouldn't respond for hours. Maybe he didn't want august to know we were talking so often, or maybe he was just a terrible texter. I couldn't be sure as I rest my head back to my pillow. An hour passed by quickly and I had turned on my music and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I was now starting in the mirror combing my hair despite knowing I would go lay around more after this. I invited Christina for a sleep over along with Daniel. They agreed to come with dinner, snacks and blankets late in the evening . Tonight would be just like the old times, maybe help me think more of what I did have.

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