𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐮𝐫

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come to find out during my free period that the short little French boy was a liar.
there was no tradition of holding hands anywhere in France. I was confused and a bit angered by his little lie and I couldn't wrap my head around it. 'Why would you lie to me french boy?'

"I wish we could get out of Caspar, this is the most boring town ever." Corbyn groaned aloud his head resting on his girlfriends lap on the carpeted floor of the library. Christina Corbyns girlfriend played with her fingers through Jonah's short brown hair.  A small chuckle was heard from her but she didn't say anything back, corbyn complained a lot. "He's got a point." Daniel spoke up looking away from  his book, he quickly averted his eyes back to his book when he saw eyes were now on him. Daniel wasn't one for attention, even around his own friends.

The poor boys cheeks had turned red and he tried hiding himself further behind his small book. Knowing better than to tease him we all turned our attention away knowing it would only make daniel run if we hadn't. "So I have to show around one of the exchange students, what about you guys?" Daniel surprisingly spoke again but still avoiding eye contact .

in our school this year there would be an exchange program that let around forty students from different countries study at our school for the next two years. Often they would learn English before they arrived but it was obvious some didn't, like the little French boy that I never caught the name of. " Yeah, Mine speaks french. What about yours?" I asked.
"He's from Australia, he speaks English."

"Lucky bastard." I shook my head disappointment showing, though there was no one even watching me. Infact Daniel has already stuck his head in his books and Corbyn and Christina were always in their own little world. I envied their relationship but at the end of the day relationships weren't for me, I learned the hard way.

through the door I could see the cherri boy with a timid smile on his face. He sat in the back of the classroom and seemed to be struggling making a single friend. The bell had rung and no one stuck around to at least greet the boy, and it was evident he was disappointed as well as I. He walked out the classroom with his hands clasped infront of him and sighed aloud. I tapped on his shoulder and he stopped his face brightening instantly. "Dieu merci tu es là!" He cheered thanking me for being here. I nodded patting his shoulder. "I'm going to take you home. You're bad with directions right?" I said slowly and the boy nodded grabbing my hand in an instant. I pondered why he could possibly want to hold my hand.

we walked out of the school and he handed me a small paper with the address on it. I actually knew where the neighborhood was so it wouldn't be hard, though it would be a long walk considering I didn't own a car and I doubt he did either. We walked down the sidewalk in silence and I watched his look around at the trees with a look of wonder. He was so fascinated and I had no idea why, Caspar California was the farthest from interesting.

I thought about teasing him about the hand holding, I figured it was because he wanted to embarrass me. I began to think of a way to tease him but He suddenly let go of my hand and tapped on my shoulder, I stopped walking and turned to the short boy who stood there as well. "I lie to you.. holding hands isn't a tradition." He admitted looking at his shoes balling his fist. "I realize that I embarrass you.. Je suis désolé." He apologizes and I realize that he was sorry, he may have read my mind and apologized for his actions. Though holding my hand didn't embarrass me one bit, infact we were alone.
"Petit menteur!" 'Little liar' I joked with him nudging his shoulder playfully.

"I get so nerveuse.. et effrayé." He spoke But I didn't understand what the boy was saying anymore. He kept mumbling words in french and his eyes began to water like earlier today, maybe he was an emotional person. I didn't understand the cherri boy yet.

"dans ma ville natale, il n'est pas acceptable pour tout le monde de tenir la main d'un autre homme. c'est gênant et ça vaut le coup de se moquer à la maison." He said bringing his sleeve up to his eye to wipe another fallen tear, I couldn't understand his blabbering but I just nodded. "je suis vraiment désolé, me sorry." He repeated his words in English the time and I grabbed his hand not sure what to do. "It's okay let's just get you home." I smiled at the fragile boy and he nodded. "You still haven't told me your name." I said looking at him as he swung our intertwined hands back and forth. He didn't seem to be listening anymore and I sighed.

We made it up the stairs to a familiar house and I looked at it sideways. I had definitely been here once before, the door swung open and I dropped the boys hand. "Jack!" Christina yelled grabbing me in a hug, in the door way corbyn glared at me. "You're family does hosting?" I asked looking back at Zach then to her again. "Yeah this is our first time! I met Zach last night but no one in the house speaks french." She explained letting us in. Corbyn walked away to the kitchen and I could see another boy inside.

He was tall and a bit lanky and awkward with himself, he leaned against the counter and talked to corbyn. "August!" The cherri boy cheered running into the kitchen. The y'all boy had to lean down so their cheeks touched in a greeting and Christina awed. "We are hosting these two, they are friends from the same school, This weekend I leaned that Zach and August are inseparable."

"hmm." I hummed in response looking back at the boy I finally learned named Zach and the other boy August.

The finished greeting and August leaned down connecting their lips in a long kiss.
"Boyfriend!" zach cheered.


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