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'nothing happens in Caspar California .'

I guided my fingers across the plastic mechanical pencil and a sigh fell from my lips. I felt my eyes try their best to fight sleep as they gazed at the slow black hand of the clock ticking by, class couldn't take any long. The teacher had decided today we would all catch up, but school nor it's work ever interested me in the slightest. Suddenly there was a tap on my shoulder and I looked up, it was my teacher with a worried expression on his face.

"Jack I heard you're in French Two, I really need your help." His eyes were wide and he was very timid, maliciously a smile grew on my lips. "I'm listening, for a price of course."
His smile quickly turned to a grimance and he sighed aloud, more wrinkles appeared on the middle aged mans forhead which made me chuckle. "You don't have to do the next two test, I'll give you an eighty percent on each." He compromised and I nodded with a smile on my face.
"Now what do you need?"

"The new French exchange student needs a guide, basically he needs someone to guide him throughout the day and since you have the most expensive in French you're going to do it." He explained motioning me to follow him.

though he was still talking all I could think about was a foreign French girl. I heard they had beautiful long hair and dashingly beautiful smiles. In my head I drooled over a tall beautiful girl with hair reaching her middle back and a short skirt that complimented her smooth thighs when she sat down. 'God, I'm already in love and I haven't even met the beautiful woman. Fuck the test, I want to fuck her.' I dreamed in my head of my future wife and I was ready to meet the girl who would have a beautiful accent.

"Jack!" The teacher clapped in my face and my fantasy girl faded from my memory as fast as she entered. "I'm listening,jeez." I replied irritated and rolling my eyes. "Don't forget to help navigate to their host family after school, I heard the student was awful with directions."
The teacher lead me to the conselors office and i waited outside.

the counselor walked out and sniffles could be heard from inside the office of a small voice, I peaked inside and a boy sat in the chair with his knees to his chest, he trembled greatly and muttered incoherent words. "It's okay, go introduce yourself. His name is Zach." She explained with a sad smile. "He's just homesick." He explained as I approached the boy.

Before I could get mad that he was a male and far from my dream girl pity over fame my disappointment. My eyebrows furrowed and I took a seat beside the boy who cried into his arms silently. It must've been a pain coming to a new country, I would know nothing about it at all. He was suffering in silence I guessed.
"Hey there, you home sick?" I said resting my hand on his shoulder, at first he tensed but gradually leaned into it. He lifted his head and his face was bright red and wet from tears. "Tis is um.. I don't know how to say in English.. difficile." He sighed wiping away his tears and standing from his chair. I stood with the shivering boy and gave him my best warm smile. "je..connais" I said 'i know' The best I could and it must've worked.

his quivering lip was now stretched into a smile and he suddenly had his arms wrapped around me. "Merci merci! Dieu a envoyé un ange qui parle ma Langue!!" He cheered aloud squeezing me tightly, though I had no idea what he had blabbered out of his mouth. "You have to speak slowly. I only know a little bit of French." I said pulling back from his soul crushing hold. He nodded eagerly eyes filled with joy and hope, his contagious smile had caught on and I found myself smiling back at the boy.

"Alright let me take you to class." I said and he let me out of his hold, I silently thanked whatever force that made him let me out of his hold. His happy expression fell and his eyebrows furrowed "quoi?"
"Class.." I repeated and this time his face lit up and he nodded eagerly.

step by step the silence between the two of us made the atmosphere thicker and thicker. I looked over to see the boy dressed rather modern with chains and a thick black hoodie despite the whether in LosAngels. His nails were painted black and his cheeks never stopped showing the shade of bright pink, I found it odd. "Why are your cheeks so red?" I realized as soon as it left my mouth that it was a rather useless question, but he smiled and pointed at his own cheeks. " I born with." He replied with his perfectly butchered English.

I nodded and felt his hand brush against mine, he suddenly grasped it intertwining our fingers. Shocked I looked at him and his smile grew even bigger. "In Paris we hold hands with people we..le respect." He finished the last word questionably but I understood it perfectly, though it was a tradition I had never heard of. I scratched my head with my free hand and looked at the odd French boy but nodded anyways.

I glanced down at his hand that was noticbly smaller than mine as we walked down the hall approaching his classroom, I couldn't tell why but my heart had sped up when he grasped a little bit harder into my hand. we stopped in-front on his classroom and our hands dropped. "This is your class, I'll meet with you later." I said slowly and he nodded understanding. He grasped my hand again and leaned forward.

My heart sped up when his face was now inches from mine, he pressed his cheek against mine and I heard him make a kissing sound. "Merci." He thanked pulling away, his pink cheeks was filled with more color than before.

"Merci." He repeated again before disappearing behind the classrooms door.

'Maybe something happens in Caspar California.' I thought thinking of the cherri boy.




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