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A silent week later we were in new York but some miracle, and August was somehow still alive.

Though that also meant time was beginning to run short and with no calls or messages from the infamous Beau

corbyn and I felt at a dead end.

Zach looked up from the bed with a frown that quickly turned to a small smile a nice shade of pink graced his cheeks, as if he was relieved or excited to see me. Things hadn't been going well between the two of us as of lately ever since I told him I loved him but to see his smile meant there was a part of him that still cared. A part of him that still wanted me around, I was going to cherish that smile of his. I learned one of the many love languages was touch and since our communication hadn't been the best I i found myself craving his touch more than ever.

He quickly looked away to the television again and I looked around the hotel room. Two beds and a dresser and a bathroom not much else besides regular furniture for a hotel room. It was nice though considering the pair didn't have a job. "Auggy wants rest now but we go for dinner." Zach says and I nodded as I stepped inside closing the door. I sat down on the couch and decided laying down was the best option and before I knew it I was waking up and the sky that was once blue was pitch black from what I could see from the window. It was peaceful for a moment before I heard distant crying, the sound of crying became more and more stressful and repetitive the more I heard it.

I lifted my head to see I was left alone in the hotel room, the clock read '7:03pm' so it meant I had been asleep two hours. I blinked tiredly trying to physically shake away my sleepiness not to much avail. The door of the hotel room opened and closed and a sigh was followed by the slam of the door. I couldn't make out who it was and didn't have the strength to turn my head to look so I laid my head back and closed my eyes. I would simply have to skip out on dinner tonight I was just way too exhausted. After all we would be in New York for a while we had plenty of nights for fun.

shuffling was heard and a body plopped down on the floor beside my head and I opened my eyes. "bonjor." Zach said no smile present just widened eyes of curiosity it seemed. Silenced loomed and I turned on my side my face just a few inches from him conferring how he was sitting right there "Coucou." I greeted groggily once again attempting to rid of my tiredness, this was my one chance to talk to zach.  I lifted my hand lazily and rested it to his plump cheek, it was pink as ever. One of many things that I admired about him. We hadn't had a private conversation since I had confessed my feelings, but what Zach didn't know was I too was now in a relationship.

"August, Corbyn tonight.. you go with me tonight?"Zach said suddenly not seeming to mind my hand, but I didn't understand what he was trying to say. " Where did corbyn go with August?" I asked raising an eyebrow as Zach breathed out heavily into my face. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked away, I found it hard to take my eyes off of him for a moment. I moved my thumb back and forth across his skin, all I wanted was to touch him. His pink cheeks seemed to be more rosy than ever today. "Fine we stay here." Zach complained standing up and going to one of the beds to lay down, his grumpy attitude almost formed from nothing, I hadn't done anything to him. I blinked rapidly for a moment to wake myself before sitting up, Turning I saw Zach sitting upright with his knees pulled to his chest looking down at his phone.

"Let's go already."

To say the least it was freezing outside. Usay in such a situation I would've found the French boy clinging to me but within the last month our relationship had changed dirasyically, I wondered still if it changed for the better. Hands stuffed in my pockets and trying to hide my face in my scarf I marched on down the street looking for the nearest entry to the subway. "This nothing like home." Zach spoke up as I stopped in place to look at my map again. "The city?" I asked and he shook his head "the cold is a lot."

We ended up in a small cafe that was unbelievably crowded. People brushed against my back as they tried to squeeze themselves down small paths filled with people. Zach foutrny  chose a chair against the wall and was fine but as for me I couldn't help but feel a bit sour about not knowing who exactly was touching me. "You're blessed, I hope you stay this way forever." Zach said a smile on his face and his red cheeks slowly returning to their perfect shade of pink. "It is a very comfortable life here. I wish you would stay." I commented a sad smile on my lips. Zach would leave after his two years, and even though I hadn't known him long life without him didn't seem like a life I was ready to live.  "I thought I was a burden." Zach said and my eyes widened.

Not only at the ridiculous statement but the way he said it, he said it with perfect English and a clear tone. Almost as if he was used to saying that line with such malice to himself. "Did you forget that I said I loved you? I meant it with everything in me." I argued grabbing his hand across the table. His eyes widened as I took his hand away from his paper cup he tried to pull away slightly maybe from shock. Then stopped and let his hand sit between my hands. "What happening between us? it's no good." Zach said shamefully shaking his head and I nodded slowly agreeing, he was right. "I love you." I whispered.

Nothing was said for a moment zach just looked at our hands pressed together and I couldn't help but blush furiously just being able to touch him this way. He stood up and let go and I followed standing as well assuming we were ready to leave but I felt my arms lifted as Zach pressed himself against my chest in a tight hug. His head pushed under my chin I smiled faintly, I loved him.

There was no denying it, the only person I wanted to love was him

and no one else.

we weren't cliche so we weren't going to find ourselves on a boat looking at the Statue of Liberty. But Zach did want a peak so instead we found ourselves walking on a sidewalk in a park near the water. He tried to pretend it wasn't a big deal but it looked like he was crossing off another thing on his bucket list with the way his eyes sparkled amusingly. "I think this is one of the best moments of my life." Zach spoke up but I didn't respond all I wanted to do was enjoy the time I spend with him. I felt a cold hand touch mine and without hesitation I grabbed it with Daniel nowhere on my mind. I had practically forgotten him, after all I was in love with someone else. "I'm so in love with you." I said out of the blue but Zach wasn't surprised.

"I know."

I turned my head to him and stopped leaning to the rail, I wanted to kiss him, touch him and feel every inch of him. I wasn't supposed I'm afraid because he didn't want it. But despite my thoughts I was still leaning in and kissing his forehead. He didn't say anything but he let it happen he couldn't betray August but maybe I could. I kissed him again on his forehead and without a response I realized a fact that was eveident.

Zach didn't love me back.

I took a step back and suddenly Zach sprung forward and pushed his lips on mine. It was the touch I didn't know I needed until it was there, or maybe it wasn't the touch. It was then person I needed

And maybe Zach did love me too


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Non sad chapters do better

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