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the morning came and I was suprised zach hadn't yet moved, my eyes traveled down and i only saw a bit of his hair. I could feel his steady breathing against my stomach. After a moment zach turned on his side now facing me pressing his hair and forehead against my neck. I imagine he liked the warmth since we had been pressed together all night. Zach mumbled words that tickled my neck. I decided we could like this forwhile. I rested my hand against the small of his back as his shirt slipped up. I felt my hand against his naked back that was as smooth as I would've imagined his skin.

Soft and delicate almost like a girls.

soon enough Zach's snores were heard again and I watched the clock behind him. It was almost two in the afternoon and if we didn't get up soon we would miss majority of our day. Suddenly the door handle juggled and opened my eyes widening. before I vould get zach off from clinging to my body Christina was standing in the doorway with wide eyes and turned away shoving the person behind her out of the doorway as well. I looked around her shoulder and I quickly sat up staring at the boy I didn't even know was going to be here. "Daniel?"
before anything could happen the door slammed shut.

I stepped down the stairs my left arm on my right bicep. I sighed heavily and looked around the living room seeing Christina alongside daniel sitting at the chairs at the counter. I watched daniel and Christina silently sip their drinks. Corbyn was in the kitchen humming along to a song while he poured coffee into a white mug. He danced around the kitchen oblivious to the tension I felt.

I sat beside daniel without saying a word and Christina glances at us before she stood up walking out the room and into the wooden padio. "Im gonna join her." Corbyn comments and Daniel looked over to me a sad expression on his face. I knew by the expression on the poor boys face that he didn't want to see me in the bed with another boy. It was all in his face, I could see the purpose of him accepting Christina's invitation. His face became red upon me examining his expression and he looked at his feet. "I'm glad you came." I spoke nudging Daniels arm and smiling kindly at him. Daniel and I had a complicated past I was glad that we were okay to see eachother now

Daniel blushes looking away it causes me to smile how he got flustered at everything I said, just like the old days. I chuckled to myself knowing he hadn't changed a bit. "Are you feeling any better now that we've had our space?" I questioned reguarding our breakup and he shook his head. "It wasn't ever you." He responded " I was depressed and in school and also ina relationship. It was a lot to deal with and I wanted to be in the right headspace before we talked again."

"I'm really proud of you, you know?" I raised my hand lifting it to his shoulder rubbing it slightly. Daniels attention moved away from my head to the stairs. Zach walked down the stairs slumped over not paying attention. He wore an oversized sweater and very small shorts that were almost completely hidden under his large sweater. They showed off his surprisingly unshaven legs. the boys pale skin looked soft and I found myself desiring to feel it. The way the boy presented himself I would've assumed he shaved but I was clearly wrong. He paid us no attention as he walked through the kitchen and out the door to the padio where corbyn and Christina conversated.

"who is he?" Daniels voice was small and his lips had a small frown. The way daniel fidgeted with his hands I could see that he was jealous, I knew him better than he thought. "He's a friend, he's a transfer from France." I sighed resting my hand against my chin. I looked at the door where my friends were on the other side of. "Are you.." I contemplated asking daniel what I was thinking of, he would take it the wrong way. Maybe I wanted him to take it that way though.

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