𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐢𝐧

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Zach was leaning on his toes to reach the face of his boyfriend August but the height difference was evident,August was a bit too tall for Zach. August had to lean down to kiss his kiss his boyfriend and at the moment he wasn't paying much attention to him. "Je t'aime tellement, regarde j'ai enfin fait un ami!"  Zach spoke excitedly and August smiled down at him nodding. "Bien pour vous. ne le laisse pas te voler de moi." He spoke unfamiliar words and looked over at me with a wink.

Not only was I confused but as where everyone else in the room except for Zach. "It's nice to know I'm not the only one confused." Christina whispered nudging my arm. Corbyn and I nodded eagerly fairly confused and watching the couple talk about something we couldn't understand. "August speaks pretty fine English, but his boyfriend only took a year of English classes before coming down here."

"Are you guys hungry? Zach wants uh.." he held out his hands to each side of his body trying to think of the next word, though his example wasn't all too helpful. "Large America meal!" He finished finding the right word. Corbyn grimaced at his words. "Large American meal? He must think all Americans are fat." Corbyn held his stomach shivering and Christina chuckled.  "Yeah there's a burger joint near here." She nodded grabbing her keys "we are all going." She commented grabbing corbyn and I's arm, corbyn groaned aloud but I was kind of glad, my stomach was killing for something to eat.

The five of us all sat down at a table and waited for our waiter, Christina and corbyn were talking a lot as well as August and Zach. Christina tapped my shoulder an angered expression on her face "Corbyn and I are going to talk outside, if the waiter comes get us water." She said before standing up and grabbing Corbyns arm harshly. It was obvious they were in the midst of an argument and that they were going to yell outside, but I knew better than to get in between.

It must've been harsh in couples town because I looked across the table and August and Zach seemed to be troubled as well. I watch Zach snatch his hand away from August when he tried to hold it and now they had been arguing ever since. " c'est irrespectueux de le faire en public! comme à la maison!" Zachs voice whined out and August shook his head. " menteur, tu me mens toujours! pourquoi devrais-je penser en ce moment est différent!" He argued back but I could make out most of his sentence. He was calling Zach a liar over their argument. August tried holding his hand once again and Zach pulled away angrily again  " j'ai dit non!" 'I said no!' Zach protested out loud and August stood up kicking Zach's chair harshly. "Stupide! tu es une telle garce!" He yelled grabbing his things and leaving quickly.

Zach crossed his arms and turned away from his angry boyfriend as if to say he didn't care about his complaining. "Pardon, we sorreh." He tried pronouncing an apology and I nodded. "It's okay, don't worry about it."

After awhile the waiter took our orders and corbyn and Christina were no where to be found, zach and I decided to eat after an hour went by. "Why Christina leave?" Zach poundered taking a bite from his burger with a gleam in his eyes. "I dunno her and her boyfriend are arguing outside." I shrugged and his expression saddened. "Is it cause me and auggy? " he said his eyes were about to water and I panicked. "No no! Something else." He sighed relived and pointed at his food. "Your dinners are so big, I full." He rubbed his stomach afraid I didn't understand what he was trying to say. "That's alright, you don't have to finish. We will take it home." I said holding my hand up and asking for a box.

Zach offered to pay but the waitress gave him an odd look when he pulled out french currency. "I think they only accept American dollars." I patted his back and a blush came to his already pink cheeks. I paid the lady and she grimaced at us leaving. I grabbed his phone and put in directions to the nearest bank. "Go here for American currency." I laid his phone in his hand and he nodded.

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