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I would like to say this is the best chapter ending I've written so far
This chapter is one of the craziest chapters I've ever wrote so perpare!

Self harm

Years ago in France:

Zach's POV

(All of this is spoken in French but to make it easier I wrote in English)

Being brought up it was lonley, I had been abandoned by my parents at a young age. At the age of five my mother and father split and left me with my father. I was so young I couldn't remember much but I did remember the day when I was seven and my father left me alone at the bridge. Sadly that day my father didn't walk with me back home, infact even I didn't make it home that day. I lived with my aunt for a few years before she also became tired of me and as Years passed and I met my mother again, I was twelve years old when we reconnected. She was dirt poor and hadn't had a place to live so we moved from shelter to shelter. Sometimes we stayed in woods during the night. After a while she found a job and that's when we found a place to sleep.

It was a nice mansion where the kind man offered us two rooms to sleep as long as my mother and I cleaned and attended his garden everyday and after awhile I began to go to school again. As my life began to get back on track I soon learned the mansions owner had two children around my age. Beau who was fourteen and August who was fourteen and in my grade. I learned more about the boys through watching them daily as I had nothing else to do. I was told not to speak to them because my mother didn't like it but I couldn't help but take interest in the boy with beautiful black curls.

As he did everyday he sat around in the garden under his favorite tree, the one my mother loved tending to

"Que fais-tu là?" I asked shifting my weight from each foot. I watched him move his pencil across the blue lines as if they weren't there. Those lines were meant to be followed but he didn't care.  The boy was clearly a person who couldn't be tamed. He looked at me with a sour expression before his mood changed while lookin me from toe to head. "If you're going to speak to me speak English."  His eyebrows were furrowed and his lips pulled in a flat line. It was intimidating to say the least.

"what you doing?" I spoke hesitantly, I had only taken English for a short year. I wasn't near fluent but I knew my fair share of words. "It's obvious, isn't it?" His voice was traced with sarcasm and I sighed gently. I sat down in the grass beside the boy with a sigh. He looked over at me his lips pulled in a tight line. I smiled at him and after a moment of intense  silence he looked away. "You're annoying, but beautiful."


Months passed and as he studied English I just liked to be by his side. I didn't care to take in any information but as the months passed I did pick up a little from his lessons. He had an obsession with the American states and the American Dream. He always told me he wanted to be just like the perfect American. He said they lived fast had fame, beauty and died young. After I took after social media it did seem that all Americans lived such a precious life. So we fascinated together and it forced us to grow closer. Though August's obsession grew larger than the pictures of famous American city's plastered on his wall.

"I would do anything to go." August sighed sitting beside me on his bed. We both looked foward to Augusts best art work yet. On this wall a giant canvas painted with tons of shades of green and white and even greys. It was the famous Hollywood sign that had took him months and it sat in its glory in front of us. "We're going to live fast there, do anything we ever wanted beautiful." He muttered looking at me. I frowned slightly and shook my head slightly. "It's just a dream."

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