𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐮𝐱

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"WHY ARE YOU HERE?" I screamned gripping hard unto the collar of the French boys shirt. I tugged on it harshly trying to kept my body from tumbling over myself. I tried yelling louder over the music and the flashing lights but maybe he couldn't hear me.

But the lights kept getting louder and the music kept flashing brighter. I couldn't even hold myself up as I screamed into the boys ear, why was he crying? Tears fell down his face and he looked at me as if I hurt him, I was only trying to reach out to him. "You drunk go away!" I shook my head rapidly feeling myself loose balance again. I had only had a few drinks I couldn't have been drunk yet, why was the room spinning? Before I knew it zach wasn't there the lights were gone

I was in a car?

I blacked out.

I woke up suddenly with my head pounding. I felt as if I was dying and I groaned aloud peaking my eyes open. While squinting I examined my surroundings and though I wasn't home I wasn't all that surprised. I at least remembered getting drunk last night, too drunk. I felt my body dawg and I immediately layed myself back down in the sheets. They were warm from my own body head and my head hurt less when I laid down. The blankets felt like heaven to me.

"Are you alright?" A thick french accent spoke out snapping me out of my thoughts as I tried to gather my thoughts. I turned to the side and to my surprised there August sat up right in the bed beside me, he wore a black T-shirt and his hair still perfectly styled, he must've hadn't gotten sleep yet. My eyes widened as I found myself next to the person I had been desperately trying to speak with. I looked around the room and my eyes landed on zach who laid on the small couch in the room snoring away. Their room was bland as ever, since their stay would be short they didn't care to decorate. What I did notice was that the mirror in the corner of the room had a crack in it. There also wasn't a curtain on the window but maybe they were confident changing their clothes with an open window, they didn't care for privacy considering their door was open as well. "I don't like you much, but I care you okay." August spoke again with his thick accent bothering his sentence which was a common theme. "I'm fine, my head hurts a lot. I need to talk to you about something."

I did feel a bit nervous bringing up such a sensitive topic but I needed too. After that call that left me with cold sweats and shivers down my spine for days. Thinking of August mental health had clouded my days after that and I noticed the signs of depression rather quickly after that. He snapped at people quickly and fell asleep in class almost always showing he didn't get much sleep. He had been loosing weight and even though I had described the boy as thin earlier he was beginning to represent a person who had anorexia. "All I wanted was to make sure you were okay not to speaks. You had thrown up all over zach and you were yelling like maniac at him. Then you passed out like drunk fool."  August shook his head turning to face me. "I don't know where you live either." He scoffed clearly upset by the inconvenience. Though usually I would roll my eyes and leave I started at him sympathetically thinking of how he could've been feeling lately.

"Are you happy with your life August?"

"Excuse me?" August seemed to be caught off guard and looked at me with wide eyes, clearly it wasn't an easy question. He furrowed his eyebrows and turned back around. "Zach is sleep, go back to bed so you can leave in the morning." August pushed the question away and it was clear that through his resistance that he infact wasn't happy.
"You don't have to suffer in silence.. I can get you help." I tried sitting up and putting my hand to his shoulder. He quickly pushed my hand away turning around anger in his eyes. "HOW DID BEAU REACH YOU?!"

He was angry and I could practically see him fuming. I looked over to see zach now awake rubbing his eyes tired a purple bruise surrounded the boys left eye. He was confused as I looked back at August. August lunges forward and grabbed my collar pulling me close. "Don't you listen to that liar! Don't ever speak to him again, you understand?!" August eyes were wide and he breathed heavily. His warm breath hit against my cold skin that shivered slightly from the air conditioning.  August was now shaking gripping harder to my shirt but I was at a loss for words. "BASTARD! BASTARD!" He screamed and Zach stood up rushing over.

I winced slightly as August screamed again letting his anger out on his brother unto me. He shoved me away with all his force and my head hit against the head board of his bed.  By then Zach was at the bed grabbing at august hands and crying out to him " Il n'est pas beau! il ne sait probablement pas grand-chose!"

"Il sait! je dois m'assurer qu'il ne le dira pas, il pourrait tout gâcher!"  August screamed back and suddenly there was shuffling in the halls, we were waking Christina. "Please leave him alone." Zach's voice was low now and he leaned forward to kiss August forehead.
"après tout, vous le protégez toujours contre moi. tu vas toujours être une pute."

And before I knew it August had grabbed Zach flipping him over into the bed and smacked him harshly. Zach screamed out piercing our ears as August dragged him by his hair.

"PLEASE STOP!" I stood up rushing over to the side of the bed and grabbed August's arm before it went to swing back down. Though to my surprise he looked at me calming down as thick tears traveled down his cheek. "Get out.." He muttered looking away from me and to his boyfriend who lay on the bed not shedding a tear. Infact the small cries were coming from August as he tried to take control of his emotions.

I looked down at Zach and for a moment he looked back at me. Then he looked away as if he were ashamed, I wonder what had taken place tonight.
"I need some alone time.. or some quiet I don't care." August mumbled shaking away my grip and pushing past me not caring to apologize to anyone for anything. Instead he grabbed his phone and headphones retreating to Zach's spot on the couch. He covered his head with the blanket and that was the last seen from August tonight

My head now swarmed and felt more confused than the day beau had called me. I wondered if someone was lying in this situation and what was really happening with the new found french boys in my life. As I looked down at Zach he pretended as if I didn't exist.
"I don't know what happened between you and August.. but I'm sorry." I tried leaning my hand down and connecting it to the boys cheek.

"you no sorry." He said quietly and I tilted my head. I rubbed my thumb over Zach's skin and tried to lean closer but instead he moved away. I couldn't remember the party and why he could've possibly been upset with me but at the moment I didn't care. "I miss you, I'm sorry." I repeated truly meaning the words I said. Infact I was so caught up in my emotions for the boy at the moment.
I started at the slim Cheri boy who sat up next to me now. His skin was smooth and even looked soft like his hair was at the moment. I watched the beauty blink rapidly as if he were trying to prevent tears that were threatening him. His pink lips were parted and suddenly as my eyes invaded his body I let a few words slip out of my mouth I would possibly regret.

"I think I l'amour you zach herron."

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