𝐬𝐚𝐮𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐢𝐬

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I wouldn't lie, life without the French boy felt different. I hadn't known him for very long but still felt a bit of heartache when I found myself alone in the hallway or alone on my walk to school. Though that's what the heart did when it misses someone.
But my heart would simply have to get over it's aching. I would have to find comfort in another way because I wasn't a selfish person and I would never let myself become what I despised the most. I despised to become anything close to my father.

My eyes wandered across the cafeteria landing on the couple I had felt jealousy over. Zach sat beside august while august read aloud from a book trying to teach him better English in their free time. Zach seemned content listening and responding every now and then I could only wonder what he was being taught. "What's going on with you two?" Christina spoke up nudging my arm, there was no hiding it she knew something was up. After I had went inside the guest room that day Zach and I had been avoiding eachother heavily since.

It was now the second week of ignoring him and Zach seemed to get the memo that we were no longer friends. August also seemed a bit more cold than usual. He wouldn't look at me when we passed each other in the halls and would tell Christina he didn't like my presence. I couldn't blame him though I just prayed that things would get better soon. The truth was that I still longed to be close to the French duo, they managed to bring a bit of light into my world with their thick accents and poor communication. Though usually I would feel more pity towards zach I felt there may have been something wrong with August latley.

The boy who was y'all and skinny seemned to be letting himself go. His hair was slowly getting longer and his lips seemned always dry. When he wore short sleeves it looked like you could see his bones, there was obviously something wrong. I wasn't supposed to care about August, from the evidence that used to linger on Zach's face and neck. August was abusive and hurt zach sometimes, it didn't stop a frown upon my lips noticing his health.

I wasn't supposed to care especially when the boy hated me myself.

But I cared about the two french boys too much.

I had always felt like something was missing until they came along and now that I had finally found a healthy balance they were gone just like that. "Zach and I kissed." I said truthfully though I didn't want to admit such a thing, she knew I didn't like being selfish and I never tolerated cheating. "Jack.." her voice was pouting and clearly distraught, she didn't know what to say. I looked at her feeling overwhelmed, tears began to brim at my eyes. "I'm so selfish, I ruined Zach and August because I was an idiot and caught feelings." I quickly wiped away the thick tear that rolled down my face before shaking my head slightly. I wouldn't cry over this I would just have to accept the consequences of my poor actions. I shouldn't even surprised af myself after what I had done, I was my fathers child.

"I'm just like him Christina." I whispered to her and she shook her head. "That's not true." She protested and I looked upon to the couple again. I was missing his thick accent and his soft brown hair at the moment. I missed him as a friend but more importantly as a temporary lover.

The school day had ended and I found myself walking home alone since Christina had to make it home early to cook dinner for the family she claimed. I kept my head down watching my feet kick rocks and listened to the music on shuffle not interested in any song particular. My music came to a sudden stop and I looked down to see an unknown number calling.
I stopped in my tracks looking at the unknown international number before picking it up. "Hello? Is this Jack Avery?!" The voice was out of breath and unfamiliar. I considered hanging up thinking it could've been a scam call since I didn't know anyone over seas.
"Jack please don't hang up! This call can only last five minutes that's all I could afford.." the voice spoke, it was deep so I assumed it was a boy rather than a girl. "This is Jack..who is this?" I asked hesitant

"You don't know me but I found you were friends with August on his Instagram. You're apart of his host family right?"

"No.. I'm not. I'm just his friend from school." I lied, I wasn't his friend anymore it was clear by our new found avoidance. Though I was too curious to tell this stranger the truth. "I need you to keep careful watch of my brother for the next few weeks, August has intense depression. And I think I know why he's down there in America."

"Why is August down here?" I whispered feeling things coming together

"I got a call from August's best friend awhile ago. She told me why he's there. He's completing his bucket list."

The constant beeping remaining is the phone was running out of time yet we sat in silence for what felt like forever. Reality of the situation deepened the longer neither of us exchanged words.

"W-whats wrong with him finishing h-his bucket list..." I couldn't even bring myself to say what we were both thinking. I gasped not wanting to be right but the evidence was clear.

Zach's mention of a bucket list, August's weight loss, Zach's screams on the phone and their constant arguing. Their random absences from school they didn't care about and how they didn't even care about their grades.

Zach's mention of time.
"He's there to commit suicide. I don't know how much time we have left until he tries..be careful with my brother please." Beau speaks carefully clearly upset.

"Be careful?! What do you mean you can't just-"

"It's in your hands till I can get there. Zach knows as well so don't try and bother him." He said and i starred at my shoes shocked. 'Zach knows and isn't doing anything to stop him?!'

"I don't know if I can! I barley know-"

the line was dead and I couldn't even think in the moment. I just started at the floor remembering the conversation I had with beau.

"Oh god, what am I going to do?" I muttered feeling my hand run through my hair and a sigh falling from my lips.

'How did the plan turn from avoiding the French boys to saving them?'

1154 words



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