The end.

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Thank you for reading this is the final chapter.

"No more crying."

August looked up from his spot on the floor. He grimaced and looked back to his hands that tugged the carpet. A dark shade of orange lay arocss his features, the sun glowed on him. It was like seeing an Angel

"I wasn't. Not over you anyways." August said in a low tone. His hands gripped and relaeased the carpet beneath his finger tips, a low hum protruding his lips following his sentence.
"And what are you gonna do now, you can't kill yourself, you don't have anyone to do it with." Zach's tone was harsh. I tried to push my ear closer against the crack in the door but I knew I would be caught by the both of them. Zach had told me to stay downstairs but knowing august I couldn't help myself. I needed to know what he was thinking.

"What's it matter to you? I taught you English and now you're using it against me, if you're going to be so harsh might as well speak to me in a way we both understand." August huffed , I watched Zach roll his eyes. "I still...beau will be here in a few days. I think you should consider going h-"

"HOW COULD YOU?" August screamed standing.
"We both knew he was august.."

"You know you're not getting any better." Zach sighed looking away, he couldn't bare to look at august as he stood tall above Zach's frame. "Please..llamour...dont.." he whispered a hand reaching out grabbing ahold of Zach's chin lightly.
I felt my heart beat in my chest, I wasn't jealous

I was afraid.

"Don't do this to us.. don't you forget us." Augusts voice was low. Tears now hitting the floor.

"Je ne le ferai jamais mon amour... but we aren't.."Zach began but soon stopped talking, it looked like he was beginning to hurt.

"mon amour mon amour mon amour... nous avons affronté la mort ensemble... nous avons vécu ensemble. Qu'est-ce que cela signifie pour vous?"

'my love my love my love... weve faced death together... we have lived together. what does that mean to you?' August spoke in such a sentimental tone. He lifted Zach's chin to him and Zach slowly leaned foward.
"No more..auggy. Auggy I'm scared for you, I don't want us to die young, I wanted us to grow old and grey and face what ever come to us. I-i loved you but you no love me enough to stay." Zach began to cry lightly he pressed his forehead against his now ex boyfriends forehead.

"Change for mama.." Zach whimpered as he began to shake.

"Change for beau."

"change pour moi, âme sœur!" Zach cried aloud. Zach dropped to the floor, his knees banged on the floor as he fell. He began to sob uncontrollably, I leaned further my heart pounded.

Suddenly the two were starring at the door.

August looked between the two of us before finally his eyes laid on my own.


He then dropped to his knees before grabbing Zach's chin and kissing him passionately.

My world fell silent as I watched. It wasn't like I had never seen the two kiss, but this one felt so different.

Malice, jealously, heartbreak, love and hatred surrounded us three.

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