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"A party? I'm not really a party kinda guy.." I scratched the back of my neck unsure if I should take Corbyn's offer, with everything going on in my life latley it was sure a part would bring more drama into my life. also corbyn knew from all the time we have spent together the last few years I had never attended one of his party's

"It's more of a get together rather than a party. Plus Daniel will be there." Corbyn nudges my arm as if that would help in any way to convince me. What corbyn didn't know was that Daniel and I hadn't been on the best terms after that trip. Daniel and I hadn't been the best of friends since our breakup awhile ago and when I chose Zach over him daniel seemed heartbroken at best. At worse I heard him crying in the bathroom when he claimed he was just going to shower.

I didn't know how to make things up with Daniel, it's not like I didn't have feelings for him still. Daniel simply came at the wrong time, when I was confused with my feelings. I was almost confident now to know I shouldn't have gotten involved with zach. Now that I was clear of distractions it was a better time to confront my feelings head on, maybe the party wouldn't be such a bad way to do that.  I looked at corbyn nodding slightly. "I'll go I guess." And with that corbyn embraced me in a hug I felt myself trying to slip out of.

"This was a bad decision." I groaned looking at Christina as she smiled brightly unbuckling herself from the car. She messed with her hair in the mirror and pulled out red lipstick and applying it on. She was making sure she looked pretty as if corbyn hadn't ever seen her beautiful before. We had been in the car for almost forty minutes as Christina tried to fix her appearance to impress corbyn and I had contemplated going back home even if I had to walk instead. The living room window displayed a flashing of color and I could tell corbyn had brought out his favorite party lights. "Let's go." Christina said simply turning off the car and stepping out. I did as well and looked her up and down, maybe she was over dressed for a small get together.

Inside I immediately spotted the whole group or what seemed like it. Around the large living room there were chairs and drinks and food. Corbyn was passed out on the coach and it brought a smile to my lips. Though I could already tell that Christina was extremely upset from the moment her eyes landed on him. My eyed gazed the people in the room talking in groups and some gripping red cups in their hands.

Honestly when corbyn said small party I believed he was lying but intact he wasn't. The room had pretty lights, snacks and a group of around fifteen teenagers. I spotted daniel sitting alongside his friend Claudia and Jonah and on the other side of the room sat August and Zach by his side. As I stood in the middle of the room I felt tensions rising as I struggled to make my decision.

I still needed to thank August for looking out for me the other night but Zach was still upset with me. He hadn't spoken to me since I confessed how I really felt for him, it was him telling me to move on. I wanted to show Zach I was moving on to make him happy, pleased with me. I turned on my heel and walked over to Daniels group with a sigh.

hopefully I was making the correct decision

I approached the group slowly after grabbing a drink. I clutched my red cup in hand and stood in front of daniel feeling a bit of anxiety for doing something so bold. Quickly the group of friends attention frayed from their conversation as they looked at me as I shifted in my place. "Hey daniel." I smiled nervously, I held my left hand behind my back and my fingers were crossed. Though even if he gave me a bad reaction it would have been well deserved.

I still can't help but hear his heart broken sobs from the day we broke up to the day at the beach house. I had wronged daniel before and frankly I didn't deserve his forgiveness, but nonetheless I still felt something for him.

It was small if I'm honest, a small spark that didn't rise to a flame when I saw daniel. It didn't make my breath stop but it did sometimes make me forget how to breathe. I knew if I got my mind off Zach I could focus on that spark. Turn it into something bigger than a even just a flame. I wanted to work on making Daniel the sun.

Daniel didn't say anything instead he looked down at his phone as his friends awkwardly shifted in their seats trying to make small talk to eachother. "Daniel can I speak with you outside?" I asked quietly and with that the brunette turned off his phone and stood up letting me lead the way. The slightly cold air hit us both as we both stepped outside the door. I stood still turning to look at Daniel who didn't seem happy. "I'm sorry .i never wanted to make you hurt like that." I said pushing this apolofrom my chest, I had been thinking about apologizing since the week we saw eachother at the beach house.  Daniel just shook his head looking down at our shoes. "You really broke my heart that time jack. If I knew you were into that French kid I wouldn't hav-"

"I don't like him daniel. I was just confused on what I really wanted, and I thought that he was the one. " As I tried to convince daniel I stood a step forward and looked at his eyes, the ones I used to spend my nights missing after the first time I lost daniel. Though this time I didn't find myself longing for them. "What changed your mind?" Daniel said quietly this time and this time he didn't back away as I took a step. "I realized he wasn't you." I lied to daniel as he looked away from his shoes and to me.

I knew it sounded cheesy, and it was. As well as it was a lie I needed daniel to believe it so maybe I could as well. "Then be with me jack, leave him behind." Daniel said suddenly reaching forward and taking my hand, he was distraught and maybe a little bit drunk telling by the smell of alcohol in his breath. "Be with me and don't think about him anymore." This time Daniels words were in a plea and I looked at our shoes.
Was I really ready to give up zach so soon? Hadn't I had already lost him,so what was the harm. If Daniel loved me I could learn to fall for someone who was well for me. My heart only wanted zach temporarily I just had to focus and take what I really needed.

I nodded looking at Daniel who stood in front of me and a small smile graced his lips. "Daniel will you be mine again?" I asked with the most confidence I could gather up.

even if it wasn't what my heart wanted.


Sorry for the hiatus I've been finishing my college classes for the semester
Just two more days

Sorry for the hiatus I've been finishing my college classes for the semester Just two more days

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