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"Stop crying." I muttered as I pushed forward kissing his lips again, even more salty tears hit our lips and changed the taste. He kept sniffling and his cries kept getting worse. Despite his crying when I pulled away he leaned back into the kiss. The French boy sobbed between kisses and squeezed onto my hands. 'Why is he crying so much? Is it because he shouldn't be kissing me?' I thought taking my hands away from Zach's. Despite his harsh hold to keep my hands in his I put my hands against his chest pushing him away gently.

"He's hurting you." It wasn't a question anymore, it was a statement. The signs were clear while Zach pulled the sleeve of his sweater to his face wiping away the salty tears. "Don't lie to me this time, is August hitting you?" He tried to pretend he didn't hear me and kept his sleeve against his face letting the new tears soak into his sweatshirt. "He.. he don't mean it. August has a good coeur." He reached over putting his index finger on my chest where my heart was. I didn't know what to say to the French boy who's tears were slowing and his breathing becoming stable again.

"You like his heart huh?" I chuckled a bit limiting my hand and cupping his cheek. I wiped away the finally tear that stuck to his face and his eyes wandered everywhere but myself. Maybe he saw a fault in our affection, a fault that I couldn't see myself. "Do you miss home?"I asked out of the blue looking to the water. If it weren't for the fee lights near by we wouldn't have been able to see much of it. "I miss my mama and my sister and my brother." Zach said reaching in his pocket. He pulled out his phone and took off the phones case. A small folded paper was inside that he unfolded to reveal a photograph. He pointed at each one a small smile on his face. "My famille."

It was a women a man and two children. On the side of the family stood Zach and August arms wrapped around eachother, they must've had a long history together. Maybe that's why Zach was defending August. " I didn't have friends I had August since we were small boy. August and his brother Beau." He said pulling out another photo from his phone case.

He pointed at Beau who had slightly longer hair than August and was taller than the both of them. The three of the boys smiled with ice creams in their hands and showing their teeth proudly. "Beau and August are famille to me." He ran his thumb up and down the photo before putting them away. "I'm glad I get to spend rest of my life with you as meilleur ami." He chuckled and I smiled along with the boy.

"I'd like if we stayed best friends forever, so I agree." I held out my hand to shake for an agreement and Zach put his thin fragile hand onto my own. "Merci." He thanked as we stood up not letting go of hands.

I wondered if maybe I was falling for the taken french boy,

if I were would it even be so bad?

"the room upstairs at the end of the hall is the one you and Zach will share." Corbyn said from the coach yawining loudly. He paid no mind to us as he flipped through the pages in his small book. I nodded following Zach up the stairs that creaked a bit much. Inside the room there was only one bed. Zach walked to the bathroom and I began to get undressed.

Minutes passed and I rested in the best on my side shirtless. I could never sleep with my shirt on for years now. I cuddled with my sheets staring at the wall blankly. 'Why did I kiss Zach? Do I even like Zach...he acts like a girl.' I justified my thoughts but kept wondering why. 'Why did I like the way his lips feel..why am I still single after daniel.. why am I doing this it's wrong.' I shook my head exhaling aloud. The door of the bathroom opened and i listened to Zach speak on the phone thinking I was already sleeping.

though it didn't really matter that I could hear every word, I could never understand him.

They were words I would regret not knowing one day.
"bien peut-être que je ne veux pas encore mourir! bonne nuit August!" Zach yells into the phone throwing his phone against the wall a loud sob tearing through the silence of the room. Quickly I sat up turning around to see Zach had huddled on the floor hugging his knees sobbing to himself. Quickly I stood up and approached him, I couldn't bare to see the poor french boy cry yet again tonight. "Sweetheart.." I soothes running my fingers in small patterns on his back.

after awhile his panic attack had gone away his sobbing now scattered sniffles. "Let's get some sleep alright?" I asked and he nodded letting me pick him up in my arms. I set him on his side of the bed before retreating to mine. Our backs turned to eachother I heard him mutter something in French. "Goodnight." I dismissed his rambling under his breath before shutting my eyes.

"Jack.. can you hold me? Im not used to sleeping um alone." Zach spoke in the silence of the room, if he had said it a moment later I would've been sleeping and had to have ignored him. I turned in my bed moving closer to the warmer body. His skin felt soft from whatever brand of soap he used in the shower and his body was probably warm from his frustration. Slowly his back and my torso pressed together and my arm wrapped around his shoulder. At first he tended but gradually leaned into my touch.
"How long has August been hurting you?" I asked but I knew he would deny it again, I just needed him to be safe.

"Two years ago, he's never hurt me so bad until a little ago. He got angry and choked me, it was okay but he left a mark. He said he sorry." Zach's voice trailed off and I felt my heart stop. "I promise you'll never go through that again." I promised a promise I couldn't keep, after all Zach's time down in America was limited, I found myself wishing otherwise. "If you could wish for two things what would it be?l Zach sighed leaning his head back. His hair tickled my neck and chin while I eased into it, it felt like heaven.

"Well it's embarrassing but I would wish for them to reveal my soulmate. I've always been scared of ending up alone in the end and I don't want to be." I felt myself blushing as Zach shifted underneath the covers. "And less light pollution, how about you zach?"

"time, and to see my family one last time."
1201 words

Wow okay 😔 pls comment what u think

Wow okay 😔 pls comment what u think

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