𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐢𝐬

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    three days had passed and Zach hadn't come to school, he texted me a few times claiming that he caught some weird American sickness but I believe he was just referring to a regular cold. His texts were always short and often didn't make sense due to the launge barrier. Even when he tired to use a translator something was always wrong or didn't translate correctly.

Christina did express her worry for Zach's absences to me, she told me he hadn't left the room ever since that after noon and August wouldn't let her in the room either, something was off putting about August. I sat quietly on the stairs leading to Christina's door in silence. I played with a small pebble on the ground as corbyn came outside the house. "Zach isn't looking all that well, I think August is going to make him stay home again."
I sighed heavily standing up and grabbing my things, another day without Zach wouldn't be all too bad. At least I didn't have him attached to my had any longer.
" attendez!" Zach called out running out of the house, corbyn and I looked at eachother with a shocked expression. Though we were happy he was there that wasn't why we were so shocked.

I took a step closer as well as corbyn to examine his face. His lip was cut and had a small bruise next to it and his neck had dark purplish red hand marks on them, it didn't take a fool to realize he had been chocked. This wasn't the playful kind of sexual chocking either, this looked abusive, disgusting and terrifying. I watched Zach quickly cover his neck as we starred at him horrified. "It was um.. sexuelle. " he chuckled out moving past the two of us, we were speechless and as well as Christina who walked out the door with an uneasy look on her face. She walked up to Zach and grabbed his hand instead of me this time, and we all walked in silence to school.

Zach wore a scarf Cristina had brought him, his neck was unbearable to look at. I turned my head to look at the foot where August stood, he had a worried expression on his face that maybe put me a bit at ease.

'Maybe this was just sexual.'

"You've got to be kidding." Corbyn scoffed aloud a frown on his face. I glanced at Zach momentarily and looked back at Corbyns angry expression. "That's not fucking sexual, that's the first sign of abuse. We can't ignore it." Corbyn shook his head and we both watched Zach from the cafeteria table he had his eyes closed and his head rested on August's shoulder possibly sleeping. "What if you're wrong? They seem like a happy couple." I didn't completely believe the words that came out of my mouth either, I remembered Monday when I saw him tugging his hair and crushing his wrist.

There could be something wrong but I didn't want the risk of being wrong about their relationship. If we told anyone they could possibly get August kicked from school and back to France. It was a huge risk and I wasn't willing to make it. "No just give them time, I'll ask Zach tonight about it. Calm down corbyn." I patted Corbyns shoulder heading towards the table. I sat down across from the couple and August hadn't seemed to be feeling all that great today. Zach was snoring lightly and August was reading a book on how to speak English. He was a lot more determined than Zach to learn to English and it brought a small smile to my face. "August are you coming to the beach with us this weekend?"

"No." He shook his head not taking his eyes away from the book. "Take Zach." He said to my surprise and Christina cheered silently.

I sat in the trunk of the pickup truck watching everyone scramble in and out of the house of Christina putting their things in the trunk. I moved slightly as corbyn climbed in sitting beside me. "Thirsty?" He said handing me a cold soda can, I nodded and thanked him.
By the side of the door August leaned against the rail and had his arms secured around his boyfriend. They were speaking to each other in French blabbering along quickly. I was often amazed seeing them speak such perfect french back and forth and how August knew both languages.

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