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"Merci! Merci!" Zach cheered over and over running out of the house and grabbing me in a hug. It had been three days since I last saw him and today was now Monday. I grimance s as he kept muttering thank you's in French. "In English it is 'Thank you'." I corrected him and he nodded. "Thank ou. He said it without the 'y' which was actually kind of adorable. "Where is August?" I asked looking past his shoulder as Christina walked out of the house along with corbyn. "August doesn't start school for another week, he starts when the rest of the students in his program begin. Zach was unlucky and had to start the day he got here."

Zach quickly grabbed my hand and I looked at him oddly, this time he hadn't made an excuse to why he needed to hold it. I turned back at the door to look at Christina for help but there stood August with a glare. I quickly pulled my hand from Zach and lowered my head beginning to to walk to school behind Christina and corbyn. They chatted as normal and I sighed happily knowing they were done fighting, for now at least.

We walked down the sidewalk and Zach put in his headphones and began humming to a song, he nudged my arm and handed me one of his ear buds. I nodded putting it in and Zach grabbed my hand yet again, he was a bit clingy. "I hold your hand so music don't fall out my ear." He explained that he wanted to stay close because if I took the wrong step it would pull his cord from his ear, honestly though he was a bit clingy I liked the way his petty hand felt.
"Your boyfriend doesn't seem to like us holding hands." I explained letting go.
Zach's hand lightly turned my face to him and there was a smug smile on his face. "You scared of Auggy?"" He chuckled and my face turned red of embarrassment. "O-Of course not." I muttered snatching his hand and holding it.

Zach's sudden confidence confused me, he went from shy and almost innocent to smug? It didn't make any sense.

Though it was a bit smaller it fit in mine like a puzzle piece in a way.

I watched Zach and he groomed himself rather well than most boys I knew. His skin looked smooth to the touch and his hair was fluffy and clean. He had perfect eyebrows and oddly a few hairs that were growing above this pink lips. It gave him the perfect balance of feminine features and masculinity. I kinda envied it.

I had absolutely no idea what the singer was saying but Zach was invested in the song, he sang in his foreign language aloud and Christina a corbyn didn't seem to mind his voice, neither did I. His voice was smooth and dare I say pretty. He stopped singing when we got closer to school and we finally all arrived, corbyn automatically separated from the group causing me and Zach to look towards Christina. "He's mad again, I don't care.." she trailed off looking at our hands intertwined and Zach chuckled looking at me " encore gêné?" 'Embarrassed yet?' He smirked at me and I gripped his hand harder "No I'm not. Christina Hes just really clingy." I explained and she nodded "I don't think August will like that though."

"August okay." Zach said with a small laugh and pulling me away,down the halls. He pushed me against the locker and smiled deviously,It was like he was a different person. He leaned forward and pressed his cheek against mine and pressed his hands on my shoulder. He kissed my cheek three times shortly before turning to leave. He looked back quickly "in Montpellier we kiss as greeting, it means you are now my friend." He nodded leaving into his first class.

School ended quickly and I ended up back at Christina's house again. I was sitting at the dining room table and August sat down across from me and looked at me oddly. "Thank you for befriending zach." His smile was kind and he didn't seem to be holding a grudge from before. "It's no big deal, you're boyfriend is very sweet." I chuckled rubbing the back of my neck a little nervously. "He is clingy, he likes affection but can be very smug at times. I think it's contradictory and kinda funny." He chuckled and I nodded agreeing. I did see Zach's smug attitude and his clingy side. He was lucky to have someone with such a vibrant personality by his side. I had been single so long I forgot what it was like to have someone so close to you all the time. I used to be around daniel all the time but daniel has broken up with me around two years ago, plus he wasn't that social anyways.

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