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As Dao explained some aspects of their mission to me, I can already see where he and Prince Jin had done wrong.

"Didn't the two of you thought about one of you invading the Shah's palace in disguise and stealing something valuable instead of stabbing Prince Jin?" I asked my son. "Sneaking inside the Palace and stealing something could also land you in this jail."

Dao, my relatively intelligent son, blinked at me. "That...idea never entered our heads," he confessed weakly.

Of course it didn't. They went for flair and staged a dramatic scene. Typical.

"It should be a henious crime, Father."

"Trying to steal a Shah's crown is a henious crime," I assured Dao of that. "But then again, that crime could make you lose your hands instantly so yes, I might also won't recommend that as well. Hmm..."

"Father..." Dao sounded frustrated.

"Well, it all happen now. We have to work with the materials placed in front of us," I sighed. "Prince Jin is locked up like you. Princess XiLen told us that his wound hasn't completely healed yet and the prince is still too weak to move from his bed. Your Baba is doing all he can to see Prince Jin." But Captain Wang's patience is wearing thin. The banished princess kept on saying no to my man and Captain Wang is spoiled enough to start getting annoyed with that. My lover is not used to hearing the word "no" from people or his orders being denied.

Captain Wang said he tolerates hearing the negative "no" only from his family. Meaning from Hua, Dao and I. The rest of the world better cater to him, my lover surmised.

I think AhRan's prediction is coming true. I had to keep Captain Wang from killing someone. Probably stop him from eliminating Princess XiLen, even though I won't truly mind if that woman is out of the picture.

But I shook that worry for later. I need to focus on my son. I looked at Dao again. "This "Frenchman", are you sure he is here?"

"I think so," Dao gave me a hesitant nod. "The information we intercepted told us that he is in this prison."

"And once you found him? What will you do?"

"Get more information...then kill him?" My son doesn't sound confident at all. I want to strangle him. This is not the kind of commitment this mission should be getting from him. Its not enough.

"Are you sure?" I asked him. "Are you sure thats what the mission is asking for? For you to kill this man...?"


"When I was avenging my parents' unfair deaths, I killed a lot of people. But not all of them." I said. "I certainly didn't kill your Baba even though I have sworn to do so, kill all the Wangs, during that time." I put my hands on Dao's shoulders. "Performing a mission means you need to decide quickly on what you will do. First, know your agenda. Determine what the outcome of the mission will be. Make a decision. From there, do all you can succeed and only change the outline of the mission depending on the new information you will stumble upon. Now, I will ask you again...does this mission requires you to kill this "Frenchman"?

"We need him to stay quiet after Prince Jin and I got the information we needed from him," Dao said.

"Then you have to kill him. Dead men couldn't talk. They stay silent that way," I said. "Next step, what do you need to do to get to your target?"

"Be here," Dao said. "Be here and identify the target. Thats what I have been doing this past several days. The prisoners here could point me to the direction where the "Frenchman" is so I am trying to communicate with them. All I need is someone to be sure and point at the man and say that's the "Frenchman"."

A Wuxia Tale: Blades and FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now