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I took Luau with me in accompanying the Shah to his sojourn outside. Both Captain Wang and Dao wanted to accompany me on this mission but I refused their incessant demands for me to pick either of them to guard me.

"You need to continue following that clue you got from the prison." I said to Dao while frowning at my son. "You have no time to dabble in other people's mission when you are almost failing yours..."

Dao flinched when I slapped him with that truth. "But Father..."

"And I need you to command your soldiers in case I fail," I turned to Captain Wang because I am done dealing with Dao. "Remember, if a civil war broke here, it'll be to our kingdom's advantage. We can take that opportunity to shake this kingdom or maybe even take it."

Captain Wang frowned at me. "I didn't even know you are that interested in conquering other kingdoms and territories."

"Oh you know I have no taste for war," I waved a dismissive hand in the air. "But this is the war architect in me talking. And if the Shah and his Crown Prince are both stupid enough to weaken their kingdom by going at each other's throat...then so be it. Like I said, its an opportunity and we are not stupid to let it pass. Have you sent a message to the Palace?"

"I did," Captain Wang sighed. "And also to Wei. I told them all to get ready in case a war did break here. Dayu ah, this plan of yours..."

"Trust me," I sidled close to give my partner a sultry look. "I will be fine. I have Luau with me. I know you don't think much about him but he is Uncle Shu's student as well. You know my Uncle, he only trained exceptional people. I will be fine as long as I have Luau with me."

"Still, take more guards with you. For my peace of mind," Captain Wang implored vehemently.

So I took three more guards with me and Luau. All spies trained in SiChuan by my Uncle Shu's protegeé, as well as Uncle Feng. Captain Wang is not happy with that number but thats the extent of my indulgence to humor him. Besides there is a reason behind my decision on taking few people with me in this mission.

"Its easier to move with limited number of people with you. Five is safe enough number for people to work together to execute an escape plan in case I fail to convince the Crown Prince to put down his sword and plans." I said to Captain Wang.

"Be careful," Captain Wang hugged me tight.

"I will. I promise," I gave his lips a fleeting but sweet kiss. Captain Wang send us off to meet the Shah before we move to leave Agra quietly with the aid of darkness with us.

"This is such an inconvenience," the Shah grumbled while astride his horse, a beautiful stallion in deep brown skin and black hair.

"True," I smiled while looking up at the night sky, riding my own horse. "What an inconvenience to me, this idea of visiting your kingdom."

The Shah turned his head at me. We have a good number of guards riding with us but I am not stupid to think that there is not a battalion of soldiers on the ready to secure their Shah in case this "talk" will not go as plan.

"Tell me, Master Dayu...appease my mind. Tell me that you talk this way to your Emperor as well." The Shah said imploringly.

"What way?" I feigned ignorance to his inquries.

"Insolent," the Shah replied dryly.

I chuckled this time. "Yes. Thats the word the Emperor probably use for me. Don't flatter yourself, Your Majesty. I am not giving you a special treatment for being rude and insolent to you. I do it all the time to the royals back home as well. This is my natural state when dealing with blue bloods."

A Wuxia Tale: Blades and FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now