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"This is not possible,"

"Okay, first of all...we do not condone eavesdropping in this household. It's a crime here." Jian Yu said.

"It couldn't be possible,"  I adamantly insisted.

"Second, you should still be in bed. In case you have forgotten it, you barely survived your fever two nights ago. You still need to rest."

"You are both lying..." I scowled at both of them.

"And third, aside from getting out of your sickbed, you should also stop carrying things around. You should have let Adda carry it..."

"Will you two just stop!" Master Mei finally had enough of me and Jian Yu talking about two different things. "I cannot believe I am the one saying this but can we all just sit down and discuss this in a calm manner."

"I am calm," I said as I sat on a chair opposite Master Mei. This is the first time I am seeing the person who adopted my sister in this close range.

The three of us closed ourselves in this library. Adda begged me to spare her of this latest drama I find myself into. I took pity on her and agreed that she could be spared in this situation. I will just tell her everything later. I know my companion is a bit curious about Master Mei.

Master Mei almost has the same built and height as Jian Yu but that is about where their similarities ended when it comes to their physical aspect. Master Mei is darker to Jian Yu's fair complexion. Slanting eyes to Jian Yu's rounded ones. Thin wide lips, taller nose and wider forehead. Master Mei and Jian Yu could be as different as any strangers could be.

But most of their mannerisms and the intelligence lurking behind the cousins eyes are uncanningly alike.

Their presence has similarities and differences as well. Jian Yu's demeanor exudes loud confidence and a temper brewing just under the surface. Master Mei has a calmer and more quiet aura but you also get the feeling that if someone pricked him the wrong way, he could do devastating damage to an enemy as well.

Looking at the cousins side by side, I wondered who could've raised my sister more efficiently. I know I've decided to give ShuYin to the Wang seven years ago but I wonder if my sister ending up in the Jiang household was truly a blessing in disguise for us.

But that's all under a bridge now. ShuYin is a Jiang. Master Mei and Captain Jiang has done a good job so far of looking after my sister. I took a deep breath before bowing at Master Mei.

"I apologize for being tardy on introducing myself. I am Wei AhRan of the WeiLai Tribe. One of the only two people I know from my tribe who still survive today. The other one, of course, is your daughter. I am Jiang ShuYin's blood brother."

I saw Master Mei's jaw tightening when I mentioned being ShuYin's brother.

"I think we should make something clear here," Master Mei said. "We are ShuYin's only family. Me, Captain Jiang and our son. ShuYin has only one brother and that is Jiang ZhouLin. I hope that is clear to you,"

He is marking territories, that is clear to me. He is scared, also quite easy to tell. He perceived me as a threat to the peace of his family.

I nodded. "I understand. You think I am here to disturb you and your family's life. It couldn't be farther from the truth,"

"Then why are you here?" Master Mei asked in a clipped tone.

"To stay alive," I said. "Like most people in this room, I am just doing all I can to stay alive."

A Wuxia Tale: Blades and FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now