Spring Pool

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I never expected that I would find answers from talking to my mother, and it was true, she didn't give me enough to solve my problems. But she did give me some things to think about greed and selfishness and what they mean on finding happiness.

I gave it some thought and the conclusion I came up with was dismal. What I told my mother held. Being with Yong is what happiness is to me. Having him by my side. Seeing his smile. Looking at him while he has his rare moments of being relaxed from guarding me.

Yong is happiness. And its sad that I am alone with feeling like this. Yong is scared to fully fall in love with me. He adores me, I'm not stupid not to know that. He enjoys kissing me. He enjoys holding my body. But he doesn't have the guts to see where our feelings could lead us.

Damn him! It's his loss. Like my mother always told me...it should be an honor for anyone if I bestow to them my affection. But Yong is an unappreciative bastard so...he shouldn't have any rights for my feelings. I should never give him or anyone rights to hurt me. I'm a damn prince.


My horse, Clockwork, exhaling air on the side of my face brought me back to the present and what my purpose is today. I woke up early to welcome the sunrise. What did that old man say...I should wash myself in moving, flowing water to dispel the evil spirits that gets attracted by my golden aura.

What a load of bull. I don't believe for one moment in evil spirits or magic or premonition. I read books in Science and Arithmetics. The age of the witches has long passed and there is no more magic in this world.

What dominates the world now is blood. Royal blood. And I have plenty of that inside me, I am prince. We rule this world and no evil spirit could kill me.

So why am I riding Clockwork to a fall spring on the MiaoFeng Mountain before sunrise? Because I want to. And because it makes sense to wash any bad feelings with moving, flowing water. I wish its the winter. Maybe there's a cold icy body of water out there that could numb all this emotions I have inside me for Yong.

That would be great. To feel nothing for that dumb guy. Yong is only tall and handsome but I think he is someone whom someone we met refered to as "emotionally constricted". Those people who are just not good at expressing their feelings, therefore making everything difficult for the people around them.

Damn him. I am done pining for that dumb bodyguard.

I made sure Clockwork's saddle was properly tightened and secured before I put a foot on the stir up and mount my horse's back. I leaned over to caress Clockwork's neck. "You won't fail me today, right Clockwork? That's why I named you that. You never dislodged me before even if we have rode hard or  jumped together over a high obstacle a thousand times now. You run and jump like a clockwork. Always on time. Always in perfection."

I was about to tap Clockwork's side with my foot to get him going but I saw a tall figure standing by the open door of the royal stable.
"Where are you going in this early hour, your Highness?"

"MiaoFeng Mountain. Someone told me I will find a spring with small fall as well. I want to wash myself with moving water."

"You believed that old man?" Yong stepped forward. Discomfort on his face.

"No." I shook my head "But I think washing before sunrise appeals to me."

Yong groaned, "That doesn't make any sense. For one, you do not like starting your day early. For another, you hate mountains. You said you like even and low valleys."

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