A Place Like No Other

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Collected jaws in our contingent fell upon seeing the numbers of soldiers and guards waiting for us in the entrance of Shan'Xi, the province we have to traversed before we get to the Capital.

The Master General has decided to welcome us in advance and he brought the whole Imperial Army with him. I'm guessing two thousands men are behind my Baba as he await our arrival in this province.

"Maybe not the whole army but about half of it." Master Rei sighed beside me as we watched my sire, the Master General himself, unmounted his horse, Jupiter, to walk towards us. Father as well get down from his horse to meet my sire halfway.

The two of them stood close and based on what I can see of Baba's mouth moving, I think they are having a serious conversation. Then I felt a jolt of pure energy stabbing my body as Baba's eyes lifted up and found mine staring at him.

My Baba's stare held mine. I forgot to blink as the force of his gaze nailed me on my position. I can only imagine how displeased he is on me.

"I'm dead. I'm dead," I heard myself muttering. Master Rei let out uncomfortable chuckles beside me.

Father finally notices that Baba's eyes are not on him. He followed my sire's gaze to see whom Baba is killing with his eyes and found my face as well. Father's hand touched Baba's cheek to turn my sire's attention to him. Baba finally released me from the sorcery and promises in his eyes to stare at Father and continued their conversation.

I finally allowed myself to breathe. Father could still sway Baba's attention to him. Hope bloomed in my heart. Maybe Father could appeal my case and help me convince Baba that keeping their only son alive is still beneficial for our family and name.

"Would you look at that. That damn bastard could make such a face. Really?" I heard Master Rei sighing. I focused again and saw what he saw. Its my Baba smiling softly while staring and listening to my Father.

Baba looks...smitten. Unguarded as he stare at Father with adoration in his eyes.

"You are calling the Master General a damned bastard," I said to Master Rei.

"Exactly because he is the Master General. That slave driver. A top grade torturer."

I kinda sympathize with him. Its not a secret to the capital and the Imperial Army what kind of boss and superior my Baba is. He is fair and reasonable but once that man got his eyes on you, he won't let go until you become what he wants you to become.

Someone who knows the rule and follows the order perfectly.

The conversation ended and Father came back to our side.

"The Master General is here to take over," he told us. "We will split the group again. Wang Dao, Wang Hua, the seer and I will form a group that will ride first to get to the capital. The rest will join the Master General to get the princes back home."

"Can I join the first group?" Master Rei raised his hand.

Father nodded, "If you want. I think there are plenty of people to guard the princes on their way back to the Palace."

"Oh I want. I don't want to be near my boss just yet," Master Rei said unabashedly.

Father chuckled. "You should let go of your petty annoyance, Master Rei."

"I have reasons to be annoyed, Master Jian Yu."

"The Master General promised to approve your petition once this mission is done," Father said.

"What petition?" I asked.

"My petition to get some vacation," Master Rei said. "Its about time I go and visit my parents."

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