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"What happened?" I asked as soon as my parents entered the main entrance door. When I got home from practicing with my harp, my parents were not here. They were at Jiang Estate because Uncle Mei summoned Father. "Is there something wrong in Jiang Estate?" I followed my parents towards the grand staircase.

"Where have you been?" Baba asked while supporting Father who looked tired while walking slowly.

"I was with LiAn," I said. "What is wrong with Father? Is he sick?"

"No." Baba shook his head. "Your Father is tired. Stop asking questions and stay here. I will just assist your Father to bed and then we will talk."

I stopped following them and content myself in watching Baba guide Father as they climb the stairs. I think Father is sick. He looked pale and exhausted. I think he cried too. It's making me anxious. I think something wrong has happened in Jiang Estate. I want to know so I can help.

Maybe I can help. I hope I can help.

I did my best to avoid biting my nails while waiting for Baba to make true of his promise to talk to me. I stood outside their bedroom's door with Nana by my side, also looking concerned.

After almost an hour, Baba got out of their room. He sighed when he saw me waiting for him right outside it.

"How is Father?"

"Already asleep. Have you eaten your dinner?"

"I ate with LiAn. Is Father alright?"

Baba winced. He turned to Nana. "Can you get some tea for us, Nanny?"

"Will do, General." Nana nodded at me before going down to get some tea. I followed Baba on the sitting area and sat down with him. We waited until Nana served the tea and left again before Baba started talking.

"Your Father and Uncle Mei had a misunderstanding," Baba said.

That brought me to silence. I had to take a moment to recover from that. "Father and Uncle Mei had a misunderstanding? Is that even possible?" In the almost seventeen years that I have been living, I have never met two people who has a close bond like Uncle Mei and Father. They are more than cousins. They are allies, brothers, heroes to each other. To say that they always agree with each other will be a gross understatement.

Father and Uncle Mei are unbreakable. Even Baba and Uncle Jiang couldn't come between them.

"Yes. Nothing is impossible now. It has happened. Your Father and Uncle Mei has a misunderstanding."

"They fought?"

"They have something they need to resolve,"

"So they had a fight," I nodded. "I see..."

Baba gave me an exasperated look. "They didn't know what? It's none of your concern. What I need from you is to listen carefully. For ShuYin's sake, listen well, Hua."

Baba then proceeded to tell me something I would have thought bizarre if not for the fact that I know my cousin ShuYin and her knowing what's on people's heart was not really surprising.

"I mean, she knows how to be kind to people who are even mean to her. Like she can tell that someone is going through some struggles and she somewhat understands. At her young age, she knows how to be compassionate."

"We think that makes her nice. A too kind of a child." Baba said.

"ShuYin could get mad too, you know." I chuckled. "I saw her admonish ZhouLin in many occassions when ZhouLin is being unreasonably naughty. I heard her scream when she gets frustrated. She is a normal kid. As normal as anyone can be."

A Wuxia Tale: Blades and FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now