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Father put a cloak and a mask on my face, making sure my identity is hidden from public eyes before our procession proceeded.

At the gate, a guard came to get our identification. Baba dealt with that. When we got it, HaRon...the Shah's brother in law...welcomed us.

"Where is your son, General?" HaRon asked while his eyes scan our contingent. Baba signaled me to pull my mask down to reveal my face. I did what he silently asked.

"Good," HaRon nodded in satisfaction upon seeing me. "At least you paled skin milksops know honor with your words."

"Is that the best insult you have?" Father snickered as we walk pass the Shah's brother in law. Father gave HaRon a cold look. I secretly reveled on that. Nobody ruffled Father without getting a retaliation back.

I stayed behind my Baba. Walking serenely while looking at my Baba's broad back. I can feel eyes on me as the procession progresses towards the waiting Shah in his throne. When we got close, Baba bowed to the Shah. "As promised, I brought my son here, Your Majesty."

"I asked for you estate manager to bring your son, General...not you." The Shah said boredly.

"My estate manager is also here," Baba said.

Father stepped forward to stand next to my Baba. Father pulled the hood of his cloak down and the mask on his face. I watched the Shah's expression as my Father revealed himself. The surprise and interest in the Shah's expression didn't escape my notice.

Typical. That has always been the expression my Father gets whenever he showed himself to anyone. They find my Father interesting and fascinating. I know my Father is a good looking man. Baba always expressed how alluring my Father's eyes are. And how anyone who comes too close to my Father couldn't help but get drawn and drown on my Father's beauty.

That must be it because Father has hold my Baba's heart, affection and devotion for more than two decades now. A man of my Baba's caliber won't fall for someone less alluring and fascinating than Feng Jian Yu.

Or less deadly than Father.

"Feng Jian Yu at your service, Your Majesty."
Father performed a perfect bow to the Shah.

"I heard words about your, Master Jian Yu." The Shah said.

"Most of them are lies," Father said with amusement in his tone.

"And what if they are true?" The Shah asked.

"They are still lies. No one knows the truth about me but General Wang. If the words you heard didn't come from the good general, they are lies." Father replied confidently.

"I see that you are loyal to your lover," the Shah leaned his body on the backrest of his throne.

"Did the general says that we are lovers?" Father asked. "Not with so many words," the Shah grumbled.

"Then don't think that I am the General's lover," Father said smoothly. "Like I said, if the information doesn't come from General Wang, everything you heard about me is a lie." Father is not giving the Shah anything.

The Shah knows that so he cleared his throat. "Then let me ask Wang Dao, who ordered him to harm Prince Jin?" His Majesty's found me.

I lifted my head to gaze into His Majesty's face. "I was not ordered to harm Prince Jin," I said in a clear tone.

"What?" The Shah frowned at me. "But you stabbed him..."

"And he is alive," I said. "I failed my orders then,"

A Wuxia Tale: Blades and FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now