Unchanged Visions

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I invited LiAn to dine with us in Wang Estate on the day my parents arrived back from their travel to South Indes to see Dao. LiAn was hesitant to say yes.

"The last time I saw your sire was when he arrested my family, Hua." LiAn said with her eyes looking away from me.

"Oh, I...ahm...I'm sorry, LiAn. I didn't think...I was too insensitive," I berated myself silently. Then I felt sad. "Of course, you feel resentment for my Baba. I don't blame you..."

LiAn sighed. "I will lie if I will say that I don't hold resentment for General Wang. But also I feel ashamed. And grateful. I know your sire talked to His Majesty to spare my life. I know he tried to buy my slave fee so I can be with you. And I know your parents tolerate our friendship..."

"Tolerate?" I grabbed LiAn's hands while shaking my head frantically. "They don't merely tolerate our friendship. They understand why I want to stay close to you. LiAn, they saw you growing up. My parents are not strangers to you."

"I know," LiAn smiled at me. "But still, things are different now. No parents like it when their noble daughter befriend a slave. It is already quite generous of them to let you come here and play pippa for me as I dance. But for a slave to be invited in a feast in honor of the return of a hero like your Baba, thats almost like shaking the status of our society."

"Its not a formal feast that will be held in the Palace. It'll be just you and me, my parents and probably Uncle Mei's family. You know the Jiangs also like you." I said before squeezing LiAn's hands. "If you won't attend this dinner for my parents as my friend, how about coming as an entertainer?"

LiAn gave me a questioning look. I grinned at her. "I want to present my parents a little welcome home gift. How about we perform for them? I'll play and you'll dance for them. Consider it another practice for us."


I let LiAn's hands go. "To be honest, I want you there because I am scared to face my parents alone knowing they came from spending time with Dao." I sighed. "I wonder if they even wanted to go home or stay there for my brother..."

"Wang Hua," LiAn gave me a worried look.

I winced. "I am doing it again, right? Comparing myself to my twin brother. Questioning and wondering who our parents love more between us. I am truly a horrible person."

"Hua..." this time, LiAn took my hand in hers.

I closed my eyes and willed myself to steady my heart and mind. My insecurities. These feelings and thoughts that I am worth less than Dao in any ways, keeps rearing its head and poisoning my soul. I know I should stop thinking or feeling like this but I sometimes cannot help myself. I also don't know if there is even a cure to fix this part of me.

"Then I accept,"

I opened my eyes when I heard LiAn saying those words. I saw my friend smiling at me. "Lets perform in front of your parents, Hua." LiAn added with a nod.

I launched myself forward to hug her. LiAn is truly the best. She might think she is lucky that a noble lady like me kept on being her friend even though she became a slave but in truth, I am luckier for being friends with her. Watching LiAn live diligently and learn to adapt to her new status has also been teaching me quite a few lessons on life. Its like I grow watching LiAn strive and grow herself. I am so lucky to have her.

On the day of my parents arrival, Uncle Mei and his whole family arrived early to get ready with me. "Do you think we will let you do all these preparations on your own?" Uncle Mei asked jovially while hugging me.

A Wuxia Tale: Blades and FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now