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I was invited by the Shah to finally meet his Crown Prince. The heir to the Shah's throne was tall, handsome, bronzed skin and exudes a high amount of confidence to rival even that of Dayu's. He is about fifteen years younger than me but the Crown Prince is a man of his own and thats evident with the sure way he carries himself.

But since I knew what Dayu did to this man, thanks to Lieutenant Ma's report to me, I think I can understand why he is posturing a little bit in front of me.

Added the fact that the Crown Prince knows who Dayu is to me.

"So you are the infamous lover, eh." The Crown Prince chuckled while sitting at the steps of the stair leading to the throne where the Shah is sitting and observing the conversation with me and his heir.

"Lover?" I sighed. "I see that you met my estate manager..."

"I did, indeed. He is fascinating, General Wang." The Crown Prince grinned at me. "I concluded that he is a handful."

Dayu is a handful. But I will be damned if I will let this pompous spoiled royal to continue harping about my heart. "That's one way to describe him yes," I simply nodded.

"Would you consider giving him to me?" The Crown Prince is smiling when he asked that question but his eyes conveyed the sincerity of his words. If I say yes, he will take Dayu without hesitation.

"I will make sure to let my estate manager know how much you admire him, Your Highness." I said.

"I don't just admire him, General Wang. I find him fascinating. I think I will enjoy having him by my side," the Crown Prince slightly turned his head to look at his father. "What do you think, Your Majesty? Wouldn't you love to have an interesting person like Master Dayu here in our kingdom?"

"I say stop taunting General Wang, my Prince." The Shah replied serenely.

"But I am not taunting him," the Crown Prince's eyes found me again. "I am quite serious. I would love to keep Master Dayu close. I think he and I will suit perfectly."

"No," I said while staring back at the Crown Prince unblinkingly.

"No? You think Master Dayu and I don't suit together or won't give him to me?" The Crown Prince frowned a little.

"No," I said again before turning my eyes to the Shah. "If the internal matter of your household is resolved, I think it is time for me to meet Prince Jin and discuss matters with him." I am done discussing my lover with the Shah's heir.

The Shah nodded. "My Prince, you may leave. General Wang and I will discuss diplomatic matters. Don't worry, you may get your time to talk to General Wang soon." The Mughal ruler said to his son.

The Crown Prince smirked at me before gracefully unfolding himself to stand. He has an imposing figure, the confidence is oozing on the man. I couldn't help but feel a little impressed. I wouldn't mind if Crown Prince Han will grow up to be confident like this man.

But not cocky. I would love for the next ruler of the Middle Kingdom to have confidence but never cocky enough to underestimate anyone around him. Too much confidence could blind a man from seeing the enemies close to him.

The Crown Prince walk down the stairs to stand beside me. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, General Wang. Although not as pleasant as meeting your estate manager. Kindly give my regards to him. I can hardly wait to see him again."

I kept my expression neutral as the Crown Prince walked passed me. Once the heir left the throne room, I put all my focus on the Shah that regarded me intently. "My heir could be intense. He also likes to provoke and raise other people's hackles. But he is more bark than bite."

A Wuxia Tale: Blades and FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now