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This is the most bizarre group of people I have seen having chavi, a South Indesian variety of tea, when I entered the rented villa to look for Dayu.

I found my heart with his cousin, which is not unusual. What's not ordinary is the two other gentlemen having tea with Dayu and Mei. One looked like a merchant ready to make a deal while the other one looked terrified as he stares at the people sipping tea with him. Both men looked like locals of this kingdom.

"General, do you want some tea?" Mei smiled at me. "Captain," my former second in command smiled at Jiang.

"What I want is some explanation...and," I looked around. "Where is Dao?" I asked when my eyes found Dayu.

"Taking a bath." My heart calmly replied while pouring liquid into a cup. "Would you like some milk with your tea?"

I shook my head. "I think I want an introduction to your companions first. Who are they?" I looked at the gentlemen sitting with my beloved.

"This is Nep," Dayu gestured at the man looking like a merchant with a readied deal. "And this other gentleman is Bah." Dayu smiled at the nervous looking man.

"Alright. I..." I was about to ask how and where Dayu met Nep and Bah when someone familiar to me entered the room. I blinked as I stared at my son. My son whom I haven't seen in months. Months!

"Baba," Dao visibly flinched upon seeing me. "I...Baba I..."

I didn't let my son finished whatever he was stammering about. I strode towards him and engulped him in my arms. I felt Dao shuddering before he buried his face on my shoulder.

"Will you give us a moment alone with our son, please..." I heard Dayu speaking. Then movements as people emptied that room aside from the three of us. I never let my son go until the doors were closed and we are alone with Dayu.

I gently pushed Dao away so I can stare at his face. "At least they had the intelligence to leave your face alone," I grumbled as I touched my son's cheek. There are traces of suffering on Dao's face but no wounds or scars on it.

"Your reputation precedes you, Baba." Dao said. "I found out that they didn't mar my face because they know you will retaliate."

"And they will be right. How are you?" I finally gazed down at his body. I felt my heart sinking as I noticed that Dayu was right. Dao lost a considerable amount of weight. He looked thin. Not starved but close enough.

"I'll be fine." Dao's tone held embarrassment. "I'm sorry that you two had to come here and save my hind..."

"You'll give us your explanation for everything but first, aren't you remissing on asking for someone?" I frowned at my son. Dao hasn't ask about his twin yet.

Dao sighed. "I already told Father that I know enough shame not to ask about Hua." My son confessed.

"She was worried about you," Dayu said to Dao. "She almost literally pushed us to travel here to get you." My heart added.

More guilt colored Dao's eyes. He turned his face away and I knew...I knew what is he trying to hide. Dao hasn't stop worrying about his sister as well. He probably spend his everyday thinking about Hua.

"If Hua breaks your arms and legs, let her." I said to Dao. "Think that you are paying a penance to her." I added.

Dao sniffed before he nodded and look down at his feet. I turned to Dayu. My heart sighed. He put a hand under Dao's chin. "Why are you looking down?" Dayu asked our son in a tight tone as he lifted Dao's head so we can look at his face. There are shameful tears on Dao's eyes. Dayu made a disapproving sound. "You already disobeyed us. You already worried your sister. Why are you feeling discouraged now? Lift your head, you are Wang confident. No matter who you have hurt...have convictions on your decisions. Your mission is not over yet. This is not the time for you to bow your head and feel shame. Not yet."

A Wuxia Tale: Blades and FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now