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I stood a step behind my Father, on his left side, while we all wait for my grandmother and aunt's arrival in front of the entrance of our home. Half an hour ago, we received the front rider sent by my Baba that the grand wagon carrying my grandmother and aunt has entered the capital. Baba rode to greet them on the capital's gates and we are lined up here to wait their entrance on the estate's gate.

My eyes focused on my Father who looked calm and collected while waiting. Father is wearing an enticing yellow robe with black linings. It was both simple and elegant at the same time. The fabric might be lacking of embroidery and design pattern but the material's quality speaks volume of richness and grace. I know Father chose the robe carefully to convey an outward image of tasteful simplicity. And once again, I was reminded why my twin and I hate it when our Baba's relatives are visiting. They are getting into Father's nerves, which is never pleasant for us.

If Dao is here, my twin will be already seething in annoyance. Dao is not outright rude to our Baba's visiting relatives but he sure gives them cold reception. Meanwhile, I always make sure to give an image of full loyalty to our Father when someone is visiting. I follow my Father around and obey his command to the letter to show to Baba's relatives that I will do nothing to disobey my Father's words.

Its all to show to everyone that Father is an integral part of our being and lives. I will never live without my Father. I don't know how and I won't imagine I can. Not for many many more years.

"Master Dayu! Master Dayu!" A helper ran up to my Father. "The General and your guests was seen entering the street leading to our estate. They will enter through West gate." The helper said.

"Thank you," Father appreciated the report. "They are here," he said while glancing at me. I smiled at him. Silently reassuring him that I support him.

Only a few moments has passed and we saw from the distance that Baba's horse, with him riding it, has entered the West gate. He was followed by riding guards and a carriage wagon being pulled by two horses. Thats where my grandmother and aunt are probably riding.

Baba was the first one to arrive in front of us and smoothly dismounted from Jupiter. Baba patted his horse first before standing next to Father. I smiled when I saw my Baba holding my Father's hand as they stood together. As always, they are there for each other. Baba took a day off so Father won't welcome grandmother and aunt alone. Which is a great thing since Baba is always busy as the Master General of the Imperial Army. But for Father, Baba set aside his work and duty to support his beloved.

A helper assisted GrandMa and Aunt LiLi out of the carriage wagon. GrandMa stood in front of Baba and Father but instead of greeting them first, GrandMa's eyes lit up when she saw me standing close by. "Hua! My flower..." GrandMa stepped forward, missed brushing against Father, to hug me. I wanted to roll my eyes at her ignoring my parents but its not good to be rude right at the moment they have arrived. Although GrandMa already displayed rudeness.

To sooth Baba and Father, Aunt LiLi greeted them warmly. "Qing. Dayu. Its good to finally see you both." Aunt LiLi took both of Father's hands in hers. She's a woman of moderate looks but she has been gracious to Father once Dao and I started our teen years. She was quiet around Father, only giving Father one word or two to be minimally polite, before but I guess when she realized that Father is intending to raise us to maturity, Aunt LiLi started giving Father some credits.

"Wang Estate is beautiful as ever. But I saw several new buildings. May I inquire about them later?" Aunt LiLi asked Father.

"Of course. But you must be tired and famished from traveling. How is Ying and her family?" Father asked.

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