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This is the first time that I get to see the insides of Wang Estate, at least personally. But seeing the pathways, room and hallways of this magnificent place through Dao's vision, everything feels familiar to me. This is the place where my heart grew up. It's his birthright.

I am happy to be here.

My host though is looking non too please while a servant placed a tea tray on the table standing between us. I don't take his sour mood personally though. I know all too well how Jian Yu hates hosting visitors, especially if he doesn't like them.

Too bad...some will descend on his sanctuary soon. And he has no one to blame for that but himself.

But that's Jian Yu's problem and not mine so for now, I think I will relax while visiting Wang Estate.

"It's a lovely place. I wouldn't mind living here," I decided to yank Jian Yu's chain a bit.

And he doesn't disappoint. The sour look on Jian Yu's place got more prominent.

"And why would you be living here?" He is almost snarling at me.

"You will include this place on Dao's inheritance, am I right?"

Jian Yu took a deep breath, "Yes. This estate will land on Dao's hands as part of his inheritance from us."

"Good. We will enjoy living here," I said as I gesture at the tea tray on the table. "Aren't you gonna pour me some tea?"

"Why should I? If you will live here one day, that means you are not a visitor. Pour your own tea," Jian Yu took the pot and pour tea on his own cup.

I sighed. He really has a nasty temper. He is petty too.

"Does this mean you are surrendering that easily? You will really let Dao bring me home here?"

Jian Yu almost choked on his tea. His eyes widened as he looked at me. I shrugged at him. "I wouldn't really mind, if Dao will take me home here..."

Jian Yu studied my face before he relaxed. "He won't do that. You said he will kill you. You won't be able to take a step as a resident in this estate. This is your only chance to be inside this estate, that's why you practically invited yourself to be here."

I smiled. At least Jian Yu is still capable of using his brain.

I nodded. "Yes. This is about the one and only time that I will get to step inside this land. Unless something will change in our future, Dao will take someone else home here."

That confirmation erased the sour look on Jian Yu's face. I frowned at him. "You dislike me that much? I feel offended now. Just so you know, I won't be that bad of a partner for your son..."

"No. You will be the worst. Dao will worship the very ground you walk on while you make my son's life a living hell."

"It won't be that bad. So I will lead him to some merry chase. He will love the challenge," I assured Jian Yu.

"I will arrange Dao to meet his potential bride once he got back from that snake infested southern kingdom. I will get him married to a nice girl and he will have his own family to settle here,"

"Good," I like that plan. "If you get Dao to marry, that will practically save my life. It will change the trajectory of our future and I won't have to bother with him anymore."

"Good," Jian Yu sipped more tea.

"Great," I finally took the pot to pour some on my cup. I took a careful sip of the fragrant tea as a heavy feeling settle in my stomach with the thought of Dao marrying.

A Wuxia Tale: Blades and FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now