Morning Swim

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My brother woke up but after a brief talk with me and Hua, he got something decent to eat then washed himself thoroughly and promptly went back to sleep. Its no different from what Yong did. Yong ate something, washed and changed his clothes and then collapsed on a bed.

Wang Dao, who received a poison arrow, didn't even get to eat. He kept on resting.

The physicians who checked them told us that exhaustion is the main reason why the four people we rescued at the sandy border are all sleeping soundly. Even the seer is keeping on his bed.

"They'll probably wake up tomorrow and would be lucid enough to answers our questions," General Wei said. "For now, we should let them sleep."

"I will stay in the same room as my brother," Hua said. "Please arrange an extra pallet in his room where I can sleep. It doesn't have to be a formal bed."

"We can provide that," General Wei nodded. He looked at me. "What about you, Your Highness? Do you wish to be on the same room as your brother?"

"No. I...I don't want to disturb his rest."

"Alright. You already have your own room anyways," General Wei called his people to arrange the thing Hua need to stay in the same room as her brother.

Its true that they provided me with my own room here in the base when we got here almost a week ago. The Emperor himself arranged for me and Hua to travel here in the Southern border with an explicit command to secure the people who are coming home.

We know that its the people he sent to the Mughal Kingdom for a talk of union between Prince Jin and a Mughal princess. All farce to get information about something while placating the former Shah who was in war with his own Crown Prince.

That war is over. The Crown Prince is now the new Shah. Every diplomatic talks with the former Shah is now void and a new set of talks will commence between the Middle Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom.

But thats for the Emperor to worry about. Our job here was to secure my brother and his companions. We did the next step is for all of us to go back to the Capital. To our home.

When its light out and everyone, aside from the patrol teams were advised to hit the sack, I went to Yong's room instead of mine. The bed where my beloved sleeps is not for two people but I still squeezed myself into the available space to lay at his side.

Yong groaned. He turned sideways and his arm went around my back. "My prince," he murmured.

"Hmmm..." I smiled. Everytime Yong will call me "his prince" it makes me smile. Under the dim light of the room, I watched him feel around him, his hand touching the wall behind his back. Yong slightly opened his eyes. "Change side with me. You should not sleep close to the door. If ever someone came in, they'll get to you first."

I sighed and did as he said. I rolled on top of him and then rolled again to get beside the wall. Yong turned sideways, facing me. His back on the door. I can only imagine what someone will see if they enter this room. Yong completely obscured me from sight. They would think Yong is alone unless they come close to the bed to see me.

Even when he is bone tired, Yong still wants to protect me. I closed my eyes and burrowed close to his warmth. Finally, I can sleep well knowing he is close by.



I woke up when I heard soft noises around me. I opened my eyes and instinctively knows that the dawn is just breaking. I turned my head and was not surprised to see Prince Guo already up and awake.

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