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Having dinner with the person you plan to kill can be pretty unnerving. Especially if that person is your parent.

While dining with my parents, I stayed quiet as I battle with myself about the soundness of my idea to target my own sire.

I barely paid attention to what my parents are talking about until I heard Father uttering Dao's name.

"I think I should start looking for a bride for Dao. Any recommendation, Hua?" I woke up from my mussing when Father spoke of my brother's name.

I shrugged. "Li An used to have a fondness for Dao. But I know you won't accept a slave for a daughter in law now," I point my stare at my Baba who stared back at me. "If you have something to say about your friend's new status, say it now."

Well, since he is being accomodating. "Why in a brothel? Why there of all places?" I asked my Baba. I still cannot settle my head that my once noble lady friend will start consorting with vulgar courtesans and drunkards.

"It was not my decision. Li An's fate was decided by his Majesty. It could have been worse. She could have hanged with the rest of her family." Baba said.

"Stop that, Hua. It was over and done," Father gave me a censoring look. "And speaking of brothels and Li An, I hope you won't put it in your head that because your friend will now be staying in one, it gives you a reason to visit her. You are Lady Wang, your feet are not meant to step on brothels' ground."

"But she is my friend. I promised to help her when she needs me. And that might mean entering that place," I protested.

Father closed his eyes and moaned like I frustrate him. Baba shook his head. "Just how many unconventional place for a lady do you plan to enter anyways?" He glared at me. "The military base is no place for a woman yet you are there now..."

"Women worked on that place," I argued.

"Yes, as kitchen cooks and helpers. Not as a soldier or guard. Yet you parade there with your bow and arrows in that drab robe you have on with men's trousers underneath it." Baba waved his hand on me in annoyance. "I am glad your mother is not here to see her daughter, looking almost like her, parading in clothes that should be considered as rags."

"Captain," Father adopted an upset expression.

"What? I said it." Baba turned his frustrated look at Father. "Hua and Dao's mother was a lady through and through. She gave her life to the twins and look at them now. You showered them with love, I provided well for them, and what is our payment? Problems! People talking behind my back! Mocking my method on raising my children. My son went away! My daughter is running around like a hellion! They are both a disgrace to my name! To the name my Baba died for to keep clean..."

"Then General Ruan Wang is finally getting his just punishment," I said amidst my Baba's outburst. "It's about time his name get dragged in the mud anyways."

Father and Baba gave me disbelieving looks. I shrugged nonchalantly. "What? He was a cruel man. A weak man. He raped a helpless woman. Killed innocent men. Raided towns and amassed gold to enrich himself and build a military base for his ambition to launch wars on other nation. I's about time General Wang Ruan see his name awashed with dirt and mud. Too bad he was weak and a coward that Father successfully pushed him to his death..."

"Wang Hua!" Father shouted my name with that horrified look on his face. I closed my eyes before bowing to my parents. My senses finally kicking in. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me..." Shame poured all through my whole being when I realized what I just did.

A Wuxia Tale: Blades and FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now