Travel Companions

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We rode hard all morning. We only stop after 4 hours of pushing our horses when we chanced upon a stream. Its the perfect time to let the horses drink and rest.

"We are about to exit the province of Agra," Prince Jin informed us when we gathered together. "In a couple of hours, the sun will show itself and thats our cue to get off the main road. We are still not sure if the Shah ordered people to chase us..." he looked at the direction of my horse. "How is the parcel?"

"Cooperating," I looked back at the little parcel. AhRan, thats his name, no longer has a sack over his head. He is staying by the horse, holding on to it. "He is not used to riding a horse in such punishing pace." I added.

It looks like our little temple royalty is not a master rider like the three of us.

"Well, we don't have a carriage or a wagon for him. Besides, traveling with a carriage or a wagon will slow us down. Do you want to risk that when we are not even sure that the Shah is truly willing to let us go?" Prince Jin asked us.

"No. We have to get out of here," Yong said before the two of them looked at me. I frowned at them. "Then we should take turns riding with him," I said because I have no intention having a burden all through our travel back home.

"We have extra horses to trade in once the saddled ones are tired. We will just exchange your horse for a fresh one more frequently..."

"That is not the problem. That one moves," I said to Prince Jin while pointing at our parcel. "He fidgets on top of the horse when he feel uncomfortable. He makes sounds too."

"Of course he makes sounds. He's human." Yong gave me an irritated look.

"And inconvenient to ride with. But you both expect me to escort him until we get back home. I don't hear any volunteers to swap with me..." I glared at them.

Both Prince Jin and Yong grumbled while looking away from me. They are jerks. I knew about that even before we got here in the Mughal Kingdom. But I didn't appreciate how selfish these two are until we had several missions here. These two are alright doing the fighting and spying...but when it comes to dealing with things that could involve people, they always push me to do it.

Bastards, the both of them. Lets see if I will accept a mission with these two as my companion again.

"Just endure it until we get to the border. Once we are there, we can ask General Wei for a wagon for our baggage," Prince Jin said placatingly.

"It will take at least three days for us to reach the southern border in our pace," I said.

"Thats just three days. It will pass quite quickly." Yong said like he is giving me some consolation.

I turned away before I punch their faces. I cannot do anything about this because if we put this on a vote, I will still be outvoted. These two are thick as thieves. They are robbing me right in my face, right now.

But my irritation about them treating my predicament about our parcel in a cavalier way alleviated a bit when Prince Jin helpedes  me sit AhRan sideways on top of the horse and produced a long strip of cloth.

"Whats that for?" AhRan asked while I take the tie from Prince Jin.

"To secure you," Yong said atop of his horse while I loop the strip of cloth twice around both of our middle. "This way, even if we are riding hard, you won't slip and fall. To keep you by my side." I uttered as an added explanation. I tested the tie and nodded to Prince Jin when I assessed that its secured.

"Will this be alright?" AhRan asked while looking up at me.

"Yes," I nodded.

"Once we are out of Agra, we will get off the road and we will slow down the pace of our travel. That will make things easier for all of us." Prince Jin said to reassure the seer. We waiting for His Highness to get on his horse before we moved again. Almost flying and slicing in the air while riding hard on our horses.

A Wuxia Tale: Blades and FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now