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Two more weeks of rest and pampering from my family, the physicians and Father declared me fully healed. At the same time, he and Baba are back in good terms again. Everything in Wang Estate are falling in their right places that gives Father a good feeling.

The next step is to watch my sister and Baba argued on who can beat my ass in the training field.

"He should fight me first," Hua declared passionately in front of our parents. "If Baba will get his hands first on Dao, nothing will be left on me!"

"Fair point," Father said to Baba.

Baba snorted. "If Dao will face Hua first, she'll definitely break his bones again. That means I'll have to wait more to dole out Dao's punishments. I'm a busy man. Until when do I have to wait to get this task done?"

Hua snickered. "Its not like Dao will go anywhere. Don't worry, I'll make sure he can't go far once I am done with him."

I hummed at that. "Thats a blatant threat on my legs, right?" I asked the three of them. They ignored me.

"Him going far is not the issue," Baba said. "I have things to do. I cannot delay his punishment anymore. I have to get it done so I can move on with the other important things I have to do."

"Then you can go and do that first before punishing Dao. There is no law that says punishing your son should take precedents to your other tasks." Hua said smoothly.

Baba sighed. "I think you are not hearing my words right, young lady. I am your father. I think my will should come first in this house," Baba turned to Father. "Is this how you teach filial duty to our children? I am their sire, the one providing them of everything they need. And what do I get in return? Them disobeying my will and arguing with me? What is the matter in this household?"

Father was not impressed. "First and foremost, I am the master of this estate. Second of all, I am the one who provides you all with everything you need. And third, we believe in fairness in this household. Thats why I am hearing out every argument before I, take note of that I, make a decision on who can get their hands on Dao first."

Baba grumbled as Hua smiled. I sighed. "I'm getting old here. Can you just give me an opponent? I'll fight anyone. I'm actually itching to beat someone."

The three of them stared at me. "Oh..." Hua whistled. "I think he is telling the truth. He's rearing for a match. With anyone..."

Father's left eyebrow rose, "Truly? Wanna fight me?"

I winced at that. "No. Not you. I'm ready for anyone but you..."

"I thought you will fight anyone?" Baba sneered.

"I misspoke," I smiled at Father. "How can I fight the person who healed me? Thats...I'm not raised to be that ungrateful."

"I should lash your tongue first," Father grumbled as he turned to Baba. "Congratulations Captain, you can have him."

"What?! Why?!" Hua was devastated. Baba nodded, looking pleased. "A wise decision, my heart. Thank you."

"No need thank me, instead teach him a lesson he'll never forget." Father glared at me before walking away. Baba followed him, a certain lightness on the great general's steps.

Hua gave me annoyed side looks. "You better be alive after facing Baba. I'm waiting in line." She warned me before following our parents.

I sighed heavily. Who said about family being a harbor in a storm for someone? No. My family is out to draw my blood. Heck, I think they want to drain my blood. Just how awful have I been to them for them to want to see me suffer? Just how have I been living my life, really?

A Wuxia Tale: Blades and FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now