Dungeon and Temple

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"The target is on the prison dungeon at the deepest part of the Shah's military base. Thousands of soldiers are on that place. Guards shuffling every six hours. The problem is...how do we get inside that base, down to the dungeon and kill the Frenchman?" I wondered loudly while Prince Jin and I study a blueprint of the Mughal Shah's military base.

Prince Jin turned his studying from the map to me. "Your sword techniques are improving but I don't think you are quite ready to infiltrate a military base and kill thousands of guards."

I snorted. "No human being alive can possibly do that."

"True," Prince Jin blinked rapidly like he wanted to debate what I just said but decided to just gaze at the map again.

I sighed. "Give me five more years and I'll be the best swordsman alive. Then we can infiltrate that base and kill the target." I said. I found a good sparring partner here. I've been improving my skills. I am quite confident that I will almost match Manchu's skills and technique now.

Prince Jin smirked. "Can you really do it in five years?"

I grinned back at him. "Maybe. But I'll still prefer it if you will not ask me to kill all those guards for this mission," I said.

The prince nodded. "It's a risky method anyways. Still, how should we get inside this dungeon?" He asked while scratching his chin. The Prince forgot to shave again. I can see stubbles on his chin and jaws.

That's the dilemma. Killing the target in the dungeon is easy. Getting inside is proving to be a headache. It took them a couple of weeks just to acquire the original blueprint of the military base. According to their source, getting the new and improved map of the base will be useless to their mission. The original one will tell them even the secret pathways inside that place that might be useful to them once they got in.

"It's a prison base. So aside from the guards, who are the people inside that base?" Prince Jin asked while tracing a finger on every line in the blueprint.

"Prisoners, of course." I said.

"Prisoners...criminals." Prince Jin nodded. Together they stood straight and crossed their arms while they contemplate about that information.

"Rock paper scissor?" Prince Jin asked.

I groaned. "Don't do this to me."

"What choice do we have? It's either you become a guard or a prisoner. Can you disguise yourself as a guard?"

"We can take that route," I said. "I can start as a neophyte."

"Right. Like you didn't know that foreign looking men who seek work at the Shah's military base turns out either a helper or was sent to guard the borders. Either way, again...that's too risky."

"I could be a helper," I said. "I could work at that base as a helper,"

"And when you started scurrying down to the dungeon? What if they became suspicious of you? If they decided that you are a spy, you will immediately die, Dao. No trials. They will just kill you."

"We can risk it."

"No!" Prince Jin shook his head adamantly. "Entering that base as a prisoner is still the safer bet."

He is being ridiculous. "If you are branded as a criminal in this land, you will be quickly deported back to the Middle Kingdom. That'll be the end of our mission. Or worse, your mother might take that chance to finally dig her claws on you. Imprisoning you in this kingdom with her forever." I said.

Prince Jin grew contemplative. "Then are you suggesting you will expose yourself and be a criminal here?"

"Why not?" I shrugged.

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