LIES - chapter 7

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Jack Johnson POV

"So do you want me to go talk to him? Taylor?"

Mohagony has been with me for a hour or two tying to calm me down, but it just hurts. It's like the love of your life coming up to you and then ripping your heart  out and stomping on it a million times. It hurts that much.

"S-sure." I say once again trying to fight back these tears but failing. I have this huge mix of emotions that I just, I just can hardly describe. Like I have so much anger and saddnes and disbelief and its the worst feeling. 

" Ok ay I'll be back asap. Alright?"


And with that she left. 

So I just sat there staring off into oblivion. Trying to put all the peices together. And the puzzle just keeps collapseing. I just have no idea what to do or say for that matter.

Jack Gilinsky POV

" TAYLOR! IF YOU DON'T TELL ME RIGHT NOE I SWEAR TO THE GOOD LORD I WILL RIP YOUR THROAT OUT!" I scream at him. He just sits there like a rock. Not moving or sayinganything and he has this sincere look on his face but I don't know why and its pissing me off.

"I-I, We," This fucker keeps stuttering. I WANT NSWERS!

"we kissed. Well more like made out. I was trying to make Shawn jealous but he wasn't even looking which makes this kind of useless. But then Ya know. One thing led to another and we-we-" 



" Oh my fucking god taylor! Why did you do this! why did you take advantege of me!? Did you even think about Jack? probably not because you're a selfish asshole!"

He didn't even have time to think about what I said before I stormed out of the room racing down to me and JJ.

And I bumped into M.

"oh-h I'm sorry I say out of breathe. 

"what are ya doing?" I asked her as she just stands there. frozen.

"M?" I say as I reach out to touch her shoulder before she qiuckly swats it away.

" Don't fucking touch me!"

"wow wow what's wrong?"

"Whats wrong? WHATS WRONG!? Your precious JJ is in your room crying his eyes out looking more horrible then ever because of what you did and you wanna ask me whats wrong!?"

She practically screams at me in the middle of the hall way. I was so confused. Did JJ see it happen?

" I-I'm sorry I didn't know he saw." 

"well he did. Now you bettere get in there and try and help him forgive you because I sure as hell ain't. now if you'll exscuse me I'm heading in there to talk to taylor."

She says before she walks more like runs to Tay's room.

I walk to me and JJ's door '346' it reads. 

I'm so anxious to see what I'm going to see once I open the door.

Once I open it I instantly regret it. 

" JJ Baby!" I say as I close the door and head over to the end of his bed to try and hug him.

He qiuckly gets up off the bed and starts toward the door. I grab his wrist but he pulls it back reluctantly. 

" Don't you dare fucking touch me."

"JJ I was drunk! I don't even remember what happened between me and Taylor! Ididn't know that you saw either."

I kinda whispered the last part because it was just heart breaking that he had to see that.

" I don't care Jack," He had tears in those beautifull blue eyes of his and you could see so much sadness in his eyes.

"I don't want to be around you anymore. just leave me the fuck alone alright?" 

"JJ I-I'm so-" 

"No. No apollogies I don't wanna hear that right now. just don't. " 

He said as he turned around and walked to the door. and before He closed IT You could hear something just under a whisper.

" I loved you"

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I scramed and thrashed around smashing a vase into the wall.

I collapsed on my knees. It was horrible. I can't think straight.

I Went over to the closet in the hotel and got all my stuff and packed up to get on the bus in a hour seeing that he had already packed.

~ Skips to when everyone is on the us~

I went up onto my bunk and decided to take a nap. I don't think I could look JJ In the eye right now. 

Taylor Caniff POV

"What have I done? what did I do? I never thought this would happen I'mm so sorry"

I could hear jack Whispering to himself. This isn't his fault. None of it was. It was mine. I did it I riuned my friends relationship because I was being so selfish.. I can't even believe myself this is horrible. Who knows? Maybe it's for the better that they aren't  a couple. 

Oh who am I kidding they where perfect for eachother. I just wish Shawn and I could be like that. Have acuterelationship. But no. He's straight. Great.


Hey guys! So theres the new chapter. 

So what do you think will happen? Will they get back together? Will the show be okay? what do you think will happen between Tay and Shawn?

hmmmm so many questions. haha

So as always..... don't forget to vote and leave a comment. I wanna know what everyone else thinks about the story so far.

~ Meghan >3

LIES // JolinskyWhere stories live. Discover now