LIES - chapter 16

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Jack Gilinsky POV

I don't know why but when my finger tips came into contact with him it felt like electricity.

And as I wiped away his tear I could see a little flash of something...... almost like, a memory?

I'm not sure but I want more of it. And as I pulled him into my arms it felt like I saw a memory in my head again, It look like I was whatching JJ on a swing smiling at me and it was the cutest thing I had ever seen.
The sun was shinning and there was other kids playing around us and birds chirping it felt like a bliss.


I suddenly realise...... Thats one of the pictures in my room!

He tryed to talk but could barely finish because he was interupted by himself sobbing.

I pull him into me and embrace him in a hug. And I hold him. It felt right. Like I should have done this in the first place.

"It's just a n-note I wrote you w-wall you where out of it." He says holding up the paper for me to grab.

I take it and stuff it in my pocket telling him it can waite for later.

Then Sam and Nate walk in and see us in the current possition might be kind of confusing considering whats been happening lately.

"Oh-h Hi guys." JJ says giving them that beautifull smile. You could clearly see it was forced.

"Okay guys, where do we start?" Nate says sitting in a chair that was sitting in front of the couch and Sam sits next to hm in another chair.

"Well I don't know..." I mumble looking down at my fingers.

"How about what you DO remember then Jack." Sam says to me.

" W-well , I remember you guys obviously. And Westside high school. And my parents and all my childhood friends and this thing called Magcon I think it was?" I say questioningly.

"Yeah! That's great you remember magcon!" Nate says to me smiling.

" I remember everyone who was there and all the shows we went to and how I would always tease Nash and Cam about how I shipped them together." I say smiling at that memory. Man , Magcon was the best.

"You don't remember everyone." JJ mumbles next to me.

"Waite you where there?" I ask him looking at him in the eye , almost getting lost in his deep blue eyes.

"Y-yeah I-I was." He says holding back tears.

I can feel tears coming down my face and I just ignore them and scoot back over to him and hold him like he's the last thing I have.

Thats when it all comes flooding back....

When we where kids and how we would be inseperable. How we used to play together everyday as kids and how in highschool I realised I was gay. But never told anyone because of the fear of getting judged. The fear of not being excepted into my group of friends but then come tofind out that alot of the are gay also.

I remember getting JJ stuff for JJ for valentines day one time because we both didn't have a girlfriend. 

I remember lieing to him about how I wasn't  gay. And saying I didn't like him back when I actually fell in love with him.

And all the memorys we had on the Magcon tour and The Digitour we just went on. And making the movie about the tour.

All the good times and the bad when we would argue over something so stupid.

Or when he would get hate and start making stupid decisions like starving himself because someone called him fat.

I love him. I cannot believe I didn't remember him after all this tme. It makes me feel kind of stupid.

I kind of zoned out because I was still holding on to JJ and Sam was snapping his fingers infront of my face trying to get my attention.

" Jack? Jack!" Sam says , more like yells at me.

" You in there buddy?" He asks me once I let go of JJ and see he stopped crying but I haven't.

"JJ!" I scream making him jump a little.

I grab his face and kiss him more passionatly then I ever have. Our lips moving in a perfect sinc.

He pulls away looking me straight in the eye as I look him in his.

"Jack why are you crying?" He asks me worry in his voice.

"I remember! I remember you! that's why!!! " I yell pulling him into another kiss.

"awwwwww!" I hear sam and nate coo at us.

I pull away blushing and looking down at my feet.

"Awww! look who's al shy !" Nate teases me.

 "Shut up!" I say to him punching him lightly on the shoulder.

The rest of the day we hang out at 'Skammy' s house and just hang out like old times and goof around and whatch T.V . 

It's felt like forever sense we've all done this.

Its now night and JJ is snuggled into my side with my arm around his waist protectivly as we watch a movie.

Sam and Nate went up to thier room because they where "tired" . Yeah , sure you are.

"Jack?" I ask looking down at him.

"Yeah babe?" he says looking up at me.

" I just wanted to tell you that I love you. Never forget that, Okay?"

"I love you too babe." He says leaning up giving me a qiuck kiss and then laying down on my side again.

I hear his breathing start to get slower and then I hear light snores.

I get up gently and pck him up and carry him bridal style to his geust room I lay him down and get under thecovers with him and put my arms around him again and kiss his hair and say

"I love you my blue eyed baby boy."

"I love you too."



If sitting at my computer and going threw tumblr and listening to Skate and Sammy is getting turnt,  Then yes I'm turnt AF.

Anyways I hope y'all like the update its not the longest but there might be a longer one on monday.

As always if you liked the chapter give it a vote! And tell me what you think in the comments!

I love y'all!

~ Meghan <3

LIES // JolinskyWhere stories live. Discover now