Lies - Chapter 31

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[ 3'rd person POV]

'Deep breaths' Gilinsky keeps telling himself. He can barely function.

He's in the dull waiting room of the Hospital, and pacing around waiting for Nash and Cam to get there.

'I just hope he's okay' He keeps telling himself. Even though, in the back of his mind there's this dark thought that he might not make it. He feels like it's eating him alive.

"Jack!" He hears someone yelling catching his interest.

"Nash, Cam!" He say's and runs up to them and hugging them and sitting down on the waiting chairs.

"Sshh Jack it's okay." Nash say's as Jack starts crying, rubbing his hand on his friends back.

"But Nash, what-what if-"

"No, don't think like that. He'll be fine." Nash say's making Jack stop saying what everyone else was worrying about.

Even if they didn't want to admit it, they where all scared.

"Jack Johnson?" A woman called.

"I'm his-his boyfriend." Jack say's walking up to her.

"He's in surgery right now, and will be for the next few hours." She says as she looks at the information on her clip board.

"Thank you." He whispers and walks away, a few tears falling as he take's a seat.

- 6 hours later-

"Johnson?" A familiar voice calls, waking Jack G from his sleep.

He jumps up and walks over to the woman.

"He's out of surgery now, he's under at the moment, but you may go see him if you'd li-"

"Yes." He doesn't hesitate to answer, he's just worried about seeing his baby.

"Right this way." She say's walking him down a hallway, and up to the 5'th floor.

"He's right in there." She whispers, and Jack glances to where she pointed.

He slowly open's the door and enters, closing it behind him.

"Jack." He whispers and sits in the seat next to Jack J , slowly.

He hesitantly take's hold of JJ's hand, feeling those oh so familiar tingly feeling he get's whenever he touches JJ.

"I don't think I got to tell you how much I-I missed you." Jack G say's holding back a sob.

LIES // JolinskyWhere stories live. Discover now